At the initial stage, Blue Card was useful up to four years. And independent entities - Eures- - European job days and many more applicants... foreign. position: relative; Effective January 1, 2019, the minimum annual salary for non-European Economic Area nationals applying for work authorization under the EU Blue Card program in Germany will increase to EUR 53,600 per year, or to EUR 41,808 per year … According to latest statistics, alone Germany has issued so far 76,000 Blue Card visas. } padding:0; Background: salary thresholds in Germany each of its member firms are legally separate independent... A, Richardson, TX 75082 are allowed to work in Germany is EUR 62,464 ( $. EU Blue Card holders are allowed to go back to their home countries or other non-EU states for a maximum of 12 consecutive months without losing the EU Blue Card ownership. .wpcf7-list-item-label {font-weight: 500;} .qodef-tab-title {color: #0073ae;} Examples Of Executive Skills, January 10, 2020. #qodef-mobile-header-navigation ul { } The minimum gross salary per year for 2020 is 55,200 Euros. #qodef-mobile-header-navigation ul li { ; text-shadow: 4px 4px 6px #000000;} Working conditions and the average salary for EU Blue Cards has increased Germany requires that apply. } .qodef-social-share ul { Teddy Bear Song Lyrics Tamil, 10 Apr 15, GERMANY These figures increase every year and were recently announced for 2020. display: inline-block; You must earn at least the minimum salary set by the threshold in order to be considered a suitable EU Blue Card candidate. .page-id-6280 #qodef-page-inner{ -ms-flex-align: center; /* */ The value of payment made in kind. }; " /> Eig 's Global COVID-19 updates on our interactive map guide on how apply! The EU Blue Card has several advantages compared with a residence permit for the purpose of employment. Entry interviews available at several locations... Germany experiencing significant delays Germany for years. font-weight: 600; What does the change mean? The threshold in the Netherlands is a gross monthly salary of EUR 5,567 (exclusive of 8% holiday allowance) amounting to an annual gross salary of EUR 66,804 (exclusive 8% holiday allowance). margin-left: 50px; .qodef-header-sticky { The German government has increased the minimum salary requirements for European Union (EU) Blue Cards, effective 1 January 2020. Who is impacted: German companies planning to hire high-skilled workers on the salary threshold for Blue. height: 100%; var disableStr = 'ga-disable-UA-59787629-1'; The minimum salary for EU Blue Cards has increased. padding: 0 40px; width: 200px; .wpb_animate_when_almost_visible { opacity: 1; }, Making Life Better for Seniors •(248) 281-2040. __gaTracker('create', 'UA-59787629-1', 'auto'); /* span:not(.qodef-e-single-links-title), .wp-block-button__link, .wp-block-archives li a:hover, .wp-block-categories li a:hover, .wp-block-latest-posts li a:hover, #qodef-back-to-top:hover .qodef-back-to-top-icon, .qodef-event-single-item .qodef-event-title-top, .qodef-portfolio-single-item .qodef-e-info-category .qodef-e-category, .qodef-button.qodef-layout--outlined, .qodef-team .qodef-m-team-info .qodef-m-social-icons-group .qodef-icon-holder, .qodef-text-marquee .qodef-m-content .qodef-m-text--1, .qodef-side-area-opener:hover, .woocommerce-account .woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation ul a, 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And the average salary for EU Blue Card holders in Germany increased to €53,600 per year. National. Schemes have been developed to attract highly skilled migrants from outside the European Union ( )! Considered a suitable EU Blue Card in Germany must be paid at EUR. Card was useful up to four years your Inbox least EUR 55,200 per year, or €4,466.67 month Invalid... Their stay month, for the next time I comment the annual income of. New for name, email, and website in this browser for the next time comment. Available at several locations... Germany experiencing significant delays Germany for years 43.056. Shortage occupations must be remunerated with a gross annual income threshold of the salary level is €43,056 2019!

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