He used the carnivore diet to cure IBS, rheumatoid arthritis and his acne. Some stem from the stability discussed above. They can also provide a variety of other benefits. Cholesterol gives cells structure and stability, and saturated fats make up at least 50% of your cell membranes. The CLA in beef tallow may protect against metastatic breast tumors. Our beef suet (fat) is very easy to render into tallow and way cheaper than buying oils like olive, palm, or coconut. Free radicals and the toxic breakdown products of Linoleic acid like HNE are implicated in almost every disease pathology. Carnivore Aurelius is a nutrition and biochemistry expert who's studied for over 5 years. Additionally, studies in rats have shown that a 10% beef tallow diet suppresses colon cancer. Beef tallow is a staple of the carnivore diet. The fat soluble vitamins are the most important vitamins. Many are going “back to the basics” and looking for answers in ancient and traditional diets. The food pyramid advises you to cut down on these types of fats, and lumps them with sodium and added sugars as advice on food components to avoid. With a terrific Omega3-6 balance and high in CLAs, many folks are sent to us from their doctors. Besides cooking oil, beef tallow in its natural form, is … And go buy some tallow. That’s why it tastes so good. Other health organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA) and the USDA, also tell you eating saturated fats increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. CLA May Protect against Breast Tumors and Colon Cancer, Is Liver Good For You? Health Benefits of Tallow. Sebum, the oily substance that moisturizes and protects the skin actually translates to tallow in latin. It helps to prevent breast tumors and provides strong bones. Vitamin K heals wounds and minimizes stretch marks and spider veins. The myriad of nutrients and antioxidants in tallow even make it a wonderful anti-aging face cream. Vegetable oils have been linked to all of the following diseases: Most importantly, it turns out that the bad cholesterol, “LDL”, is only bad when it’s damaged by unsaturated fats . Instead, your doctor will advise you to cook with highly unsaturated oils, like vegetable, canola, and safflower oil. Beef tallow, rendered from grass-fed cattle, is loaded with vitamins … The production of certain vegetable oils, like palm oil, leads to widespread deforestation and a high carbon footprint. Join my members-only group The Grill Squad today for access to my master classes, … Always consult with your health care professional. He received much publicity, even though numerous other researchers showed flaws in Keys’ data and conclusions. Provides Healthy Fats, Including Cholesterol. Sniffing Rosemary For Memory: Does It Work. And this was great for the big consumer companies. Our cell membranes are made up of fatty acids. Using tallow benefits fat loss because it is rich in conjugated … I will share how you can make tallow at home below. 100% grass-fed beef fat holds the most eye-opening health benefits. Read more to find out about the benefits of tallow. BENEFITS OF BEEF TALLOW FOR SKIN are numerous. To make tallow, first collect suet, a hard, nutrient-dense fat that surrounds the kidneys and loins, then render it (melt it down), skim off the impurities, and voilá, you have tallow. In each of these cases, CLA shrunk tumors and decreased the total number of cancer cells. What are the tallow health benefits? This study showed that after 40 hours of continuous heating at 180 C, only 60% of tallow had more than 25% of oxidized biproducts. You’ve been brainwashed into fearing fat. At that rate, you’d expect them to be practically rolling down the street and dropping like fleas from heart disease. Cancer fighter! [*] [*]. Making some epic BBQ should be easy, and Hey Grill Hey is here to help! Historically, beef tallow was used as a key ingredient in skincare concoctions … Benefits of Using Beef Tallow There are numerous beneficial aspects of beef tallow, and this section highlights a few of these positive points. It wasn’t easy for me to learn all this information – it took me years to learn about these things and improve my own health. Fat Loss. Here are 9 other benefits of eating tallow. When heated, it’s a liquid that’s a bright gold color. And Mark Hegstead, the head of nutrition at the USDA, was bribed by the sugar industry to shift the blame for bad health away from sugar and onto saturated fat . Also, during the last century, the amount of vegetable oil we use increased 400%, and sugar and processed foods increased 60%. Beef or lamb make tallow. Are there other animal fats or tropical oils you like to use? It doesn’t have to take that long for you. Fatty acids like DHA and AA are critical for brain growth and neuronal function. Benefits of Using Beef Tallow: There are numerous beneficial aspects of beef tallow, we are highlighting a few:-Flavor - beef tallow has a delicious taste and it adds a lot of flavour to food. Glucagon is a nutrient mobilization hormone. In the 1950s, researchers first began advocating for a lower-fat diet... 2. Sure, slathering beef fat all over your body may not sound appealing at … The choice is yours. For instance, people in Hong Kong consume 695 grams per day of meat. Beef tallow is a hard saturated fat that is stable at room temperature and has a high smoke point. Our bodies readily absorb tallow along with the vitamins A, D, K, and E within it promote skin cell health and regeneration. With all the talk about vegan, beef tallow gets pushed to the back when it should have a spot right up front. The carnivore diet will give you back control of your health. The purification process of the fat is called rendering, and the name of the final product depends on the type of animal used. It is indispensable to cognitive function. Another benefit of CLA? Conjugated linoleic acid is a fatty acid unique to ruminants. We automatically link fats with gaining weight but beef tallow does just the opposite because of its high Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) content. It was deemed irrefutable that animal fats cause heart disease and had to be substituted for polyunsaturated seed oils. Ketosis occurs when Glucagon is high and Insulin is low. Animal studies consistently show that CLA reduces mammary tumor metastasis. When the AHA — i.e. The following four are present in beef tallow: Paradoxically, eating more fat may increase how much fat you burn. That even puts Ron Swanson to shame. Grass Fed Beef Tallow is a whole food and dietary supplement that provides pure grass fed and grass finished tallow that's low-heat rendered only from the prized suet. There are many good reasons … This review from 2014 looking at 76 studies, found no link at all between saturated fat and heart disease . Using beef tallow for whatever purpose has many benefits. Beef tallow is 50% saturated fat, 42% monounsaturated fat (like that found in olive oil), and only 4% polyunsaturated fat. So if your body fat is composed of linoleic acid, you’re basically a microwave causing radioactive destruction internally. Good cholesterol is essential to giving your body the building blocks it needs for a healthy immune system. But there are many more too. How did traditional, high-saturated fats like animal fats and tropical oils–like coconut oil and palm oil–get their bad rap? That’s an even bigger problem because free radicals can damage molecules like your DNA. Saturated fats increase HDL, the “good cholesterol”, Scientists have now realized LDL particle size matters more than total LDL number. We automatically link fats with gaining weight but beef tallow does just the opposite … Half of the fat in your brain is saturated. This all allows your fighter cells to better communicate with each other when your body is under attack. and easily processed at home in a slow cooker. Tallow is the hard and fatty substance made from the rendered (melted down) fat from beef, mutton or pork. In the simplest of terms, tallow is purified beef fat (or, less commonly, mutton fat). Pour the liquid into containers and refrigerate. Suet is the fat rendered from the kidneys and heart of the animal. Fat made us who we are today. Beef Tallow vs. Suet Both tallow and suet come from the same animals (sheep or cattle), but the former is shelf-stable while the latter must be kept refrigerated. It is a main ingredient for cooking, tallow candles, tallow soap, and skincare. But it turns out humans have evolved because of fat. Beef fats are rendered into a creamy white batch of beautiful beef tallow. Current research shows CLA is a cancer-fighting ninja for breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, intestinal cancer, and bone cancer. It’s great for your skin. They play a role in everything from growth to immune support, to brain function. There’s also the potential for beef tallow from Ancestral Supplements to have anti-cancer effects because of the fatty acids it contains. High fat diets leads to ketosis and reduces oxidative stress and inflammation. If you had to pick one food to survive in nature, it would be the fat. Tallow was prized for its stability, taste and availability. Health Benefits of Beef Tallow Beef tallow isn’t just more flavorful and a better option for high-heat cooking, it offers some surprising health benefits. The Food Pyramid in the 1970s was the nail in the coffin. It's mainly used in British cuisine to make rich meat pies, savory puddings, and pastry dough. If you’re still cooking with seed oils, there’s nothing more important you can do in your life than switching to beef tallow. As a result, of the fear he created, soybean oil consumption increased 1000x in the 20th century. Our 100% grass-fed and finished cows are more than just muscle. For example: • It is relatively affordable- The affordability of beef tallow as fat comes from the fact that it is a sustainable fat. Tallow Benefits Fat Loss. Beef tallow has a delicious taste, and it adds a lot of flavor to food. Nutrients are vital for all cellular function. Tallow has quite an extensive history of uses. But they actually have the world’s longest life expectancy at 84.5 years . Vitamins A and D encourage cell and tissue growth and replacement. Cupiditate voluptates dolor minus laboriosam officiis aut. It’s also used in artisan soap and candle making. For one thing, the country decreased their use of traditional saturated animal fats by 20%, and reduced their butter intake from 18 lbs per person to 4 lbs per person. Tallow was used for everything from frying to adding flavor to soups and stews. Beef tallow, or sheep tallow, gets used in high-heat cooking and roasting. Eating more fat will also cut down your protein intake and help you spend less. Can Help You Absorb Essential Vitamins. Saturated fat may have longevity increasing benefits. And butter fat turns into ghee. There are numerous studies linking high cholesterol levels with lower risks of infections. How are they different? Saturated fatty acids are saturated with hydrogen atoms and only have single bonds. With each shift, you’ll reap new benefits and be on your way to a healthier you! Adding essential oils boosts the benefits of tallow balm. Chicken or goose becomes schmaltz. In this meta-analysis of 18 studies, it was shown that CLA increased body fat loss . It’s unlikely that it will start breaking down and forming free radicals during everyday cooking. When tallow comes from organic, grass fed cows, it is one of the healthiest fats there is. Disclaimer. All rights reserved. Carnivore Aurelius. The seeds were traditionally a waste product, so they were cheap. Because saturated fats don’t have double bonds, they’re more resistant to oxidative damage [*], Saturated fats have a glycemic index of 0, Higher fat diets reduce insulin, which is implicated in acne, CLA is antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory, Put into a stainless steel pot and fill approximately halfway, Turn the burner on medium and stir every 10 minutes to make sure the heat is applied evenly, Let it reduce until the chunks melt. Caprylic acid, a saturated fat, strengthens the immune system [*]. Our body has two major hormones that regulate blood glucose and nutrient storage: Insulin and Glucagon. Humans are carnivores and food is information. Close your computer, dump your canola oil in the garbage where it belongs. Beef Liver Nutrition (+8 Nutrients You Need), Are Humans Carnivores? Grass fed tallow is rich in fat soluble vitamins A, D, K, and E, as well as a whole lot of other beneficial nutrients (source). Tallow is just purified animal fat from the surrounding organs. Fat is required to absorb them and thus they are present in significant amounts in the fat of beef. Saturated fats are also the preferred food of the heart and beef tallow is an excellent source. If you thought I was a crazy carnivore before, close your eyes and skip this section. Tallow’s best-known role is as a high-quality cooking fat. It’s always a good idea to revisit our age-old traditions and incorporate the wisdom behind them into our busy modern lives, that being said we invite you to check our Dry aging article , a process our grandfathers used to preserve meat, nowadays revisited. This may repulse some, but it was also used for soaps, moisturizers and candles. If you’re interested in my 5 favorite cooking oils, sign up for a link to my short guide below. Because of its high saturated fat content, it’s very stable. Diets high in saturated fat and low in carbs increase LDL size (which is a positive) [*]. If your doctor sees you have high cholesterol, one of the first things he or she will tell you to cut is the saturated fats found naturally in animal fat, dairy, and some plant-based oils. When she isn't writing, you can find her brushing up on her French, Spanish, and Portuguese with anyone who will listen. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. That’s not the case in my experience. From $27.45 Be the first to review this product. Thus, if you want to burn more fat on the carnivore or keto diet, increasing, not decreasing your fat intake may be better. Well, you are what you eat. It has the consistency of softened butter or shortening and tallow from grass-fed cattle often has a golden yellow tone to it because of the cows’ grass-fed diet. Not bad for an all natural fat! Lastly, studies continue to debunk the myth that saturated fat causes heart disease. What are the consequences of this shift? This special fatty acid is a mighty fat burner and potent weight-loss agent. It’s part of my mission to restore tallow to its glory days. Source of Vitamin A, D and E and Fatty Acids, #3 Beef Tallow is More Stable Than Other Cooking Fats, #5. But rubbing tallow on your skin is incredibly nourishing. When you cook with seed oils you blast your food with cancer causing radicals. It defiantly doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Fat is the only macronutrient that only increases glucagon. Tallow is rich in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), a fatty acid which, according to some studies, can help burn fat. Beef tallow is rendered beef fat. Beef tallow is the rendered fat which provides various benefits with its use. TALLOW VS. LARD | IS TALLOW HEALTHY ⬇⬇⬇Click “SHOW MORE“ for more info⬇⬇⬇Tallow and lard are both popular, traditional fats. It defiantly doesn’t get the credit it deserves. Saturated fat intake is negatively correlated to heart disease in Europe. Being dairy-free, tallow fat is a good option for those with with dairy sensitivities. Homemade Beef Tallow Recipe. Ancient cultures prized it for its health benefits. Beef tallow on the other hand has very high oxidative and thermal stability. Basically, the nutrients and cell structure of tallow is extremely similar to our skin’s cell structure and the nutrients that our skin needs. So, if you want to keep from getting sick, go ahead and add beef tallow to your diet anywhere you can! Health Benefits 1. The scarier part is that even at body temperature linoleic acid can oxidize and cause free radicals . They are very similar in makeup with both being comprised of triglycerides. So it’s no coincidence that adding fat to your diet has major benefits. Tallow production helps utilize more of the cow and creates less waste. Cooking oils are ubiquitous and one of the most overlooked aspects of health. It becomes solid at 20 degree Celsius of room temperature. Tallow can heal and soothe eczema, diaper rash, sun and windburn, and dry or itchy skin. Tallow is rich in CLA, a fatty acid that studies suggest can support a... 3. the mouthpiece for Procter & Gamble — brainwashed us into fearing saturated fats, we replaced them with these unsaturated seed oils such as Canola oil and Sunflower oil. Whether baking, frying or simply searing in a pan, tallow might just be what you were looking to cook with. Seriously. The fatty acid profile of beef tallow is 50% saturated fat, 42% monounsaturated fat and 4% polyunsaturated fat. Whereas after just 6 hours at 180 C, sunflower oil was over 20% oxidized . Not to pile on with the sustainability buzzword, but tallow is much better for the environment than vegetable oils. This type of fat is easily oxidized when exposed to air and high temperatures. The high ratio between glucagon and insulin signals to your body to release nutrients from storage — i.e. This acid is classified as a monounsaturated omega-9 fatty acid and mostly known as an amazing ingredient for dry or aging skin because it has the ability to easily and deeply penetrate into the skin's surface. body fat — and burn them for energy. Carnivore Diet: Everything You Need to Know, The 5 Benefits of Vitamin E (& Where to Get It), Cold Thermogenesis: 3 Reasons to Get Your Ass in the Cold, History of Tallow: What Is Tallow Used For, #1. Many fatty acids, including palmitoleic acid, an antimicrobial fat , omega 3s and omega 6s. Because of the double bonds, these fatty acids are very unstable. Increased saturated fat intake tends to reduce carbohydrate consumption, which really causes heart disease, Saturated fats tend to be higher in fat-soluble nutrients, Vitamins A, D, E and K. Increased Vitamin K intake is associated with lower rates of heart disease [*]. If you’re new to beef tallow benefits for skin, I wanted to quickly go over that as well. A sick world is desperately searching for answers to the many illnesses that plague us today. A few more explanations: Also…I have to confess. It has no carbohydrates or protein. Organizations like the AHA and industries who stood to gain quickly embraced Keys’ theory. This study pictured below depicted similar results. Key Points: Beef Tallow is a concentrated source of fat and it provides a small amount of vitamin D&E. Do you already cook with beef tallow? In fact, traditional fats like beef tallow, provide a variety of benefits to the body because of their saturated fat content. It may be beneficial to your health. Beef tallow is highly affordable and easy to make at home. As we now know, Ancel Keys’ study disparaging fat was flawed. Well that myth has been debunked. It has high boiling point and helps to eliminate free radicals. We’ve talked about a lot here, and I really hope that you get a lot out of this article. If you cook frequently, make sure you are using a healthy oil. Not only is beef tallow a very stable fat it will also improve the flavor of your food and has some notable health benefits. Tallow is: Beef tallow used to be a staple in people’s kitchens but has been replaced by cancer causing seed oil sludge. Easy switches in what you eat can make a big difference in your overall health. The beef tallow supplement may also help with the health of the immune system, may reduce inflammation and may help you have healthy gums, teeth, skin and bones. 1) Flavor Beef tallow has a delicious taste, and it adds a lot of flavor to food. In this meta-analysis, the average concentration of linoleic acid in human fat tissue was 25%. Why We’re Made to Eat Red Meat, Carnivore Diet Meal Plan: Master the Zero Carb Diet in Just 14 Days (+ Shopping List), More stable than polyunsaturated, toxic oils, High in fat, which may increase how much fat you burn (through glucagon), Has CLA, which may improve your immune system. 5 Powerful Benefits of Cooking With Beef Tallow, 8 Essential Oils For Nightmares And Night Terrors, Best Burdock Root Supplement (Top 5 Picks), 11 Benefits Of Ozonated Olive Oil (Plus Buyers Guide). One of the biggest benefits of tallow is how healthy it is. This should take approx 30 minutes, There will be “fried” chunks…these are an awesome snack. Vitamin E is actually an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage and slows down aging. Since authorities don’t mention any exceptions, it seems all saturated fats are unhealthy and everyone should avoid them like the plague. If you’re interested in my 5 favorite cooking oils, sign up for a link to my short guide below. Many also have antioxidant properties that can protect against diseases like cancer and Alzheimers. Beef tallow is a nutrient-dense food, and we all should make it a staple in our pantries. In this post, you will learn the benefits of beef tallows, how to render tallow… Palmitoleic acid is highly anti-viral and anti-bacterial. We are going to examine the health benefits and uses of beef tallow in cooking. Whereas unsaturated fatty acids have multiple double bonds. Tallow provides the building blocks for rebuilding and repairing our skin. Insulin is a storage hormone. In cooking, polyunsaturated oils break down and form free radicals. There is nothing better than tallow balm for soothing, healing, and deeply moisturizing skin. Is beef fat good for you? Additionally, beef tallow is high in Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). He's passionate about distilling complex nutritional information down to actionable advice. Tallow is semi-soft beef fat that’s great for high heat frying as it remains very stable under hot temperature and imparts a good flavor. It provides vital fats, acids, and vitamins required for health, strength, and physical development. In the same way that it is good for skin, beef tallow has some wonderful benefits for keep hair hydrated, soft, and healthy. Boosts your immune health – with unprocessed fats like beef tallow in your diet, it’s easier for your body to absorb fat-soluble vitamins that support your immune system. You can ask many of them for their fat trimmings (get them before they are in the dumpster) and turn them into tallow. In the 1950’s, he introduced his “Lipid Hypothesis” theory at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. Tallow is “Sustainable” Not to pile on with the sustainability buzzword, but tallow is much better for … This includes diets like paleo, raw, vegan diets. Tallow was ubiquitous. Sign up below for my quick guide on my 5 favorite cooking oils. Thinking of switching things up a bit in the kitchen? Lorraine Roberte is a writer who is passionate about natural health and wellness. The two are antagonists. At room temperature, it’s hardened and changes to a soft cream color. The further decline of saturated fats in kitchens across the county can be traced back to the researcher, Ancel Keys. How do you think my skin turned to porcelain? Benefits of Grass Fed Beef Tallow for Skin Care. But is that really the case? This makes it a great option for cooking! Beef Tallow. Whereas tallow from locally raised, grass fed beef can actually be carbon negative. By 1955 it had increased so much that it became the leading cause of death in the United States. It is also high in vitamins, particularly fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, K and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. The more fat I eat, the better my skin. If you shock your body with new and processed sludge, your body will revolt. They are ~50% saturated fat. The vitamins and fat can nourish your skin and kill unwanted microbes. What small dietary changes did you make that had a big impact on the way you look and feel? . Linoleic acid now is 8% of calories. Information on Healthroot.com is NOT intended in any way to be medical advice. Believe it or not, tallow is the original ‘body butter’. WHAT IS TALLOW | BENEFITS OF BEEF TALLOW ⬇⬇⬇Click “SHOW MORE“ for more info⬇⬇⬇Are you wondering what tallow is? But, recent findings suggest there is no evidence showing saturated fats cause heart disease. They help your bones absorb calcium, protect your liver from toxins, and keep your cells functioning properly. Relatively low levels of CLA are required for mice to experience these benefits. Between 1959 and 2008, Linoleic Acid in human fat tissues increased by 136% . Tallow – Vintage Tradition obtains their tallow from Larga Vista Ranch, Maytag Mountain Ranch, Music Meadows Ranch, James Ranch, and Sun Prairie Beef, all in Colorado, Alderspring Ranch in Idaho, Touchstone Angus in Wyoming, and other ranches where the cows are 100% grass-fed, which is important for the superior therapeutic value of their balm. The damage leads to a host of health problems, including cancer. Compared to oils which need to be considerably processed (grown in monocultures, harvested, pressed, filtered, bottled, and transported to you from far away places) beef tallow can be produced locally (hello!) These double bonds make the fatty acids unstable. Did you know tallow is found in skincare creams, cosmetics like lipsticks and foundations, cleansers, soaps, and much more? This is one of the main vehicles that has driven our health off a cliff. Although saturated fats have been vilified for the last 70 years, the tides are changing. And beef tallow has plenty of it! It’s commonly suspected that eating a fatty diet will clog your pores and make you look like a pubescent teenager. Grass-fed tallow contains an abundance of vitamins A, D, E, and K, along with a large amount of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is an essential fatty acid know for its skin-nourishing abilities, and abundantly present in grass-fed beef. If you want to continue this journey and start improving your health, check out my carnivore diet meal plan here. This creates firmer and more hydrated skin that forms a barrier against infection. If you use pork fat, you end up with lard. Of 18 studies, found no link at all between saturated fat intake is negatively correlated to disease! S best-known role is as a high-quality cooking fat oxidative stress and inflammation for over 5 years metastatic breast and... 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