Ve 1 0 ac 1 dc 5.control ac dec 10 100 1meg plot v(2) alter C=500u ac dec 10 100 1meg plot v(2).endc Tab. This is a limitation of the macro-model. Doing this enables NGSPICE to converge on a sensible dc operating point for open loop analysis without any imperfections such as input offset forcing the output to one of the supply rails. meas ac dc_gain find vdb(vout) at=1 controlled voltage source (gain of 1E8), infinite input resistance and AC analysis includes small-signal noise simulation, pole-zero and transfer function analysis. Accounting; CRM; Business Intelligence meas ac m6dB when vdB(av)=-6, pm_deg = -8.923940e+01 3. The less accurate ac analysis gave us a phase margin of 91.4°. Example of SPICE simulation of a first order filter (AC Analysis) This is an example of a first order filter and the use of the AC analysis to find the frequency response of the magnitude and phase of a transfer function. This is our dc gain. We are clever to guarantee that alone nights whim be a thing of the past. Ac analysis provides the frequency response of your circuit. 3db_f = 9.988710e+00 In the AC sweep menu you have the choice of three types of analysis: Linear, Octave and ; Decade. Because of this, we deliver made it reasonable for you to hookup tonight or any other night. meas ac 3db_f when phase=135 Open the opamp1.sch example from the ngspice example folder. This should be 6dB lower than the ac example, meas ac m6dB when vdB(av)=-6 – measures the frequency where the gain curve goes below -6dB. The desired output of an ac small-signal analysis is usually a transfer function (voltage gain, transimpedance, etc). You must also have a source with its small signal analysis amplitude set to ‘AC’ and phase set to ‘1’. The Spice input file is given below. To this end, we first review the principle of operation of a diode. Line 1 runs the ac analysis declared in the spice file. In this case, these lines are not strictly necessary. AV curves are overlayed showing no difference. As in the previous example, we netlist the schematic then create a control file to run in NGSPICE. Nathanial B. Nichols (1914-1997) was one of the original control theory gurus. meas ac pm_deg find phase when vdb(av)=0 This reminds that any regular TCL command is of course possible. In the case of a MOS opamp for instance, that may have been designed for low noise applications, meaning the input pair is quite large, the input capacitance of the opamp an have a major impact on loop stability when coupled with its output impedance and feedback network impedance. In the second the ac values of these 2 sources are reversed. This is our unity gain frequency. For example, in a DC analysis, if both DC and AC sources are specified in one independent source element statement, the AC source is taken out of the circuit for the DC analysis. It can be a bit stubborn to rumble a obsolete that at best wants to get on with you seeing that the incessantly without bringing up a relationship. Indeed there are. You can view frequency response as a bode plot, on the Cartesian coordinate plane with the real and imaginary axis and you can view it as a Nyquist plot. AC Analysis Features: Magnitude (relative to 1 volt) and phase are displayed. diagram and performing DC, AC and T ransient analysis. CAD. 220-spice-notes.tex Page 6 Powers of Ten The following abbreviations for powers of ten are recognized by spice. meas ac 0db_f when vdb(vout)=0 It is important to leave a free line at the top of the control file. That finishes up our AC sweep example. The ASCO optimizer is a nice example how to control ngspice from another program and how to run several ngspice instances in parallel on a multicore computer. 4 pages 485-512, 1975). “Striving for Small-Signal Stability” Circuits and Devices Magazine, IEEE (Volume:17 , Issue: 1 ) pages 31 – 41  Jan 2001. Armed with the closed loop voltage and current sweep information, one can derive the open loop transfer function. Middlebrook was also coming at this from a point of view of determining open loop response in a discrete system, so as in my case above, without the use of a SPICE simulator. Non-linear DC analysis: calculates the DC transfer curve. If they aren’t configured, select AC Sweep and enter 1 for Start Freq and 10e6 for End Freq. When setting start/end values for DC and AC sweep you can combine units, multipliers, and scientific notation to express values. .DC : DC analysis.DC Src_name Start Stop Increment .DC Vin 0 1.8 0.1 .AC : AC analysis.AC Scale nPoints Start Stop .AC DEC 20 1 10g $ 20 points per decade from 1 Hz to 1 GHz ac dec 20 0.01 1G – Performs an ac analysis, 20 points per decade from 10mHz to 1GHz. meas ac 0db_f when vdb(av)=0 – measures the frequency where the loop gain goes through zero. It follows then that one may derive open loop behavior from the closed loop response. ngspice 236 -> source Circuit: * spice netlister for gnetlist ngspice 237 -> ac lin 1000 0.1 250kHz Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 Warning: v1: has no value, DC 0 assumed No. References Monte Carlo and Worst-Case Circuit Analysis using LTSpice. Select the Simulate button at the top of your interface. The dtype of the data contains field names. NGSPICE User Manual Describes ngspice-rework-17 Draft Version 0.2 Many Authors Circuit Simulation : Nodal Analysis Example Is1 1 R1 0 R2 2 R3 −+ Vs1 Let apply the recipes 1 R1 + 1 R2 − 1 R2 1 − 1 R2 1 R2 + 1 R3 −1 1 −1 0 V1 V2 IVs1 = Is1 0 Vs1 Then solve this System of Linear Equations There are algorithms to build theses matrices Usually matrices are sparses Complex therms for Capacitor, Inductor e.g. If you have been asking yourself “where can I become aware of one night stands looming me?” We are the most beneficent special notwithstanding you. a first order filter (AC Analysis). u/cluedit. The gain is voltage dB. GitHub is where people build software. Generalized form for this is as shown. 1 year ago. What we did was to use a Nichols Chart in reverse. Close. User defined device models The B-, E-, and G-sources (see manual chapt. Utilisation. This user guide summarizes the useful, pertinent information from the near 600 page ngspice manual needed to run the ngspice simulator for this course, while adding several extra examples. Please try reloading this page Help Create Join Login. 1 { Premier exemple d’un circuit de d ecouplage RC fonctionnel sous ngspice. EXAMPLE: Voltage divider Circuit Here is a schematic capture of a simple voltage divider circuit. What we will be able to do depends mostly on user interests, contributions and feedback. BJT Circuit Analysis ... previous examples) due to the variation it causes in the base width. DC analysis is analysis of static characteristics. 02:39 On terminal,Type: ngspice space example.cir and press Enter. These three choices describe the X-axis scaling which will be produced in probe. This is actually a very useful mode that allows to rapidly change the type and parameters of an analysis, enabling more rapid convergence to a working simulation. that the AC plot of the output voltage v(3) corresponds to the transfer Open Source Software. 4. It is not run directly on the netlist. If the circuit has only one ac input, it is convenient to set that input to unity and zero phase, so that output variables have the same value as the transfer function of the output variable with respect to the input. Non-linear transient analysis: calculates the voltage and current as afunction of time when a large signal is applied. The table below lists the ngspice scale factors (see page 47 in the manual for further details). Noise analysis 5. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. This should be the same as the unity gain bandwidth in the ac example, As per the ac analysis earlier, we cannot measure gain margin, You will notice some subtle differences. Let’s open this now. Ac analysis provides the frequency response of your circuit. save all – Saves all voltage and currents. SPICE can do several types of circuit analyses. m6db = 9.538196e+05, Middlebrook and Tian methods. The following lines will loop back to this point as long as the variable runs is less than the variable run, set run =”$&run”  – creates a variable so we know which run is which when we process the results, set temp = 27 – set the simulation temperature. set sourcepath = ( /projects/student/data/netlist/lm358/ ) Authors The opamp has been modeled as a voltage controlled voltage source (gain of 1E8), infinite input resistance and zero output resistance (ideal opamp). Some styles failed to load. 02:36 Let us see how this can be done. In this and the next article, device models are explained in detail, using diodes as examples. In this case, the loop gain will be 6dB lower than the open loop gain seen in the ac analysis. Now it’s time to ramp up the difficulty with DC sweep and AC sweep analysis. “””Read ngspice / LTspice binary raw files. So, how do we induce it possible? In this paper Middlebrook describes mathematically how to derive the open loop transfer function of an amplifier from its closed loop behavior, even if the loop is unstable! NGSPICE is run on the control file which sources the schematic netlist. The example project we’ll be working with is an opamp circuit that uses subcircuits and models. The dtype of the data contains field names. Now, let us simulate the ngspice file. More than 50 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 100 million projects. of Data Rows : 1000 ngspice 238 -> plot n0 n1 ngspice 239 -> example #3.measure v_p2p PARAM = ’v_p - v_n’ 3.2 Analysis Using HPSICE, circuit simulation including AC, DC, Transient and Noise analysis can be done. In order to model this combination of impedances, at least to a first order, we add a second opamp to the output of the first. If an independent source is specified for an AC, transient, and DC analysis, transient sources are removed for the AC analysis and DC sources are removed after the performance of the operating point. CAD. 0db_f = 4.779122e+05 The output waveform will be a bode plot showing you the amplitude and phase across a specified frequency range. meas ac gm_db find vdb(vout) when vp(vout)=0 It’s a little more involved than it would be in a commercial SPICE environment, but it’s the same thing. (ref, Lady Looking Real Sex Wa Leavenworth 98826 write /projects/student/data/raw/lm358/lm358_stb_tb_{$run}.raw all – writes the simulation data to a raw file appended by the run number. AC analysis: From menu Simulation / Edit Simulation Command, choose AC analysis. 02:56 Value of voltage v2 is 9.746 volts. In this case, since the loop is never broken a second opamp is not necessary to model the closed loop impedance interactions. Here is an basic example of the application of SPICE Distortion analysis for estimating the distortion components of a single stage transistor amplifier. dowhile run < runs – this sets up a simulation loop. Examples:.AC DEC 10 1 10K.AC DEC 10 1K 100MEG.AC LIN 100 1 100HZ DEC stands for decade variation, and ND is the number of points per decade. • Effective base width, W*, decreases with increasing V CB • What do you expect would happen to iC as W * decreases? Return tuple of a list of the data, and a list of the plot metadata. meas ac 3db_f when phase=135 Distortion analysis 7. MAILING LISTS: ----- There are two mailing lists dedicated to the use and development of ngspice. 2. This is not very robust yet. As it happens, yes. SPICE Simulation Part 3: Running Your First DC and AC Sweep Analysis. These three choices describe the X-axis scaling which will be produced in probe. LIN stands for linear variation, and NP is the number of points. One major drawback of AC analysis is that it when the loop is broken, it decouples the loop output from its feedback node. Ngspice is an ongoing project, growing everyday from users contributions, suggestions and reports. find the frequency response of the magnitude and phase of a transfer function. set run =”$&run” echo “—-”, plot vdb(vout) phase meas ac pm_deg find phase when vdb(vout)=0 – finds the value of vout phase when vout =0dB and stores it to pm_deg. Representative quantities include analysis of the impedance as a function of frequency and of the gain-phase characteristic. I have also given one example in which how to attac h technology file to circuit components is explained. 0db_f = 9.142381e+05 02:51 Value of voltage v1 is 2.4 volts. We run 2 ac analysis. alter @iprobe1[acmag]=1, let ip11 = ac1.i(vprobe1) r/AskElectronics. derived an even more robust method of obtaining open loop response from a closed loop system. 4 The Basics of Running NGspice Simulations To explain the basic operation of running NGspice within the CppSim framework, let us now walk through an example using the Sue2 as the schematic editor and CppSimView as the simulation viewer. Irrelevant in this case, but good practice in general. Are you looking in behalf of one-night stand dates in your area? Examples: • R1 5 0 20k • cload nIN GND 250pF • L4 122 21 4mH ECE 220 - Electronic Devices and Circuits Phyllis R. Nelson. Change Directory Syntax: cd [directory] Example: cd c:\spice \\ changes to c:\spice… In our case, since the feedback network consists of 2 identical resistors, this should look like a gain of 2 – non-inverting rather than 1 – inverting. plot phase_mb meas ac dc_gain find vdb(av) at=0.01 write /projects/student/data/raw/lm358/lm358ac_tb.raw all – writes the simulation data to a file. Circuit: *rc filter ac example ngspice 2 -> run Doing analysis at TEMP = 27.000000 and TNOM = 27.000000 Warning: v1: has no value, DC 0 assumed No. Nodal analysis possible with ngspice? Posted by. The more accurate Tian method reports  89.23°, As expected dc gain is 6dB less than the ac analysis. FSTART is the starting frequency, and FSTOP is the final frequency. Nodal analysis possible with ngspice? The resultant linear circuit is then analyzed over a user-specified range of frequencies. The format is as follows: statements. Using this approach the mainstream SPICE vendors created a stability analysis tool or STB analysis. let vprb2 = ac2.probe, let av = 1/(1/(2*(ip11*vprb2-vprb1*ip21)+vprb1+ip21)-1), let phase=180/PI*vp(av) let ip12 = ac1.i(vprobe2) NGSpice executes in either interactive mode or batch mode, where interactive is the default. Value of voltage v1 is 24 volts. source – This is the netlist we will be simulating, let runs=2 – the runs variable will be used to efine how many times we run NGSPICE. Noise analysis; Sensitivity analysis; Distortion analysis ; Fourier analysis: calculates and plots the frequency spectrum. I have selected Prefix references ‘U’ and ‘IC’ with ‘X’, this is needed for ngspice as it recognizes ‘X’ components as subcircuits. I cannot open my op-analysis of circuit .like I saved my example1.cir file In cd c:\\users\\ankit\\esim-workspace\\renamefor operating point analysis I type cd c:\\users\\ankit\\esim-workspace\\rename\\op-analysis\\but system show no such commandplease help me In 1975 Dr R. David Middlebrook (1929 – 2010) published his seminal paper “Measurement of Loop Gain in Feedback Systems” (International Journal of Electronics, Vol 38, No. Go back to gschem, load the circuit and modify the value of the voltage source to AC: Recreate the netlist, load the netlist into NG-spice and enter the following command to perform the AC analysis: ngspice 65 -> ac lin 1000 0.1 250kHz Doing analysis at TEMP = 300.150000 and TNOM = 300.150000 The following example performs an AC analysis for each value of rx, 5 k and 15 k, sweeping frequency by 10 points per decade from 1 Hz to 10 kHz..AC DEC 10 1 10K SWEEP rx n POI 2 5k 15k The next example uses the DATA statement to perform a series of AC analyses modifying more than one parameter. See the download material. For more in-depth details and other topics, see the full ngspice manual. Currently it supports sending commands to the engine and reading the results into numpy arrays, for plotting and analysis. Breaking the loop means the interaction between these two impedances is not simulated. Value of voltage v2 is 9.746 volts. Also, the result of a .MEAS statement can be used in another .MEAS statement. If you look at the circuit diagram above, you will see that this is how those two sources are set up anyway. In the above example, the change in ID with VDS for a MOSFET is simulated. find its frequency response.After running this, you should be able to see two plot windows- a magnitude (dB) plot and a phase (degrees) plot. dc_gain = 9.908845e+01. This is a video that demonstrates circuit simulation through ngspice with a simple circuit with single voltage source and a 10 ohms resister. Press Run. SPICE Device Models: Principle of Operation of Diodes. 03:01 Other node voltages are also displayed. To help the reader out, I’ve posted some helpful files dealing with simulating a LM358 opamp macro from ON semiconductor here. All nonlinear elements are replaced by linear models, so results are only meaningful if nonlinear elements are actually operating in a linear mode. let ip21 = ac2.i(vprobe1) plot vdb(mb) vdb(av) Let’s summarize some of the features that we learned about today: Multipliers. In the AC analysis menu you have the choice of three types of analysis: Linear, Octave and; Decade. If this line is included in the input file, SPICE performs an AC analysis of the circuit over the specified frequency range. I have not many ports installed now as I have just upgraded to Yosemite from Mountain Lion and chose to start with a clean MacPorts installation. The principle use of a Nichols chart is to derive the closed loop transfer function of a servo system from its open loop behavior. meas ac 3db_f when phase=135 – measures the frequency when phase is 135 degrees and stores it to 3db_f. Doing this enables NGSPICE to converge on a sensible dc operating point for open loop analysis without any imperfections such as input offset forcing the output to one of the supply rails. Diodes are used as examples to explain how SPICE device models are constructed. This is our phase margin. Please NOTE that the standard Qucs AC source will not work with ngspice Distortion analysis. RC … This is not very robust yet. In this example, the 3dB bandwidth is computed: .MEAS AC tmp max mag(V(out)); find the peak response; and call it "tmp".MEAS AC BW trig mag(V(out))=tmp/sqrt(2) … To get around this, I had to insert a low-resistance resistor somewhere in that loop to break it up. Example II- AC Analysis of RC Circuit For the same R-C circuit discussed in Example I, let us do the small-signal AC analysis, i.e. Below we can see that after about 10,000 Hz the gain starts to drop off. Implementing VRM Cooling in PCB Power Supply Design. Modifier. In this example the loop is broken by R3 whose value at dc is 1mΩ and is changed to 1TΩ for ac analysis. 1kHz. ... Running AC Analysis. alter @iprobe1[acmag]=0, dowhile run < runs In this test-bench, the ac resistor in the previous example is replaced by two voltage sources both of 0V dc (thus the closed loop is maintained) and a 0A ac current source to ground. dc_gain = 9.358252e+01 Finally running AC analysis we can measure the frequency responce (bandwidth) of the circuit. This will open the Simulation dialog. Doing this enables NGSPICE to converge on a sensible dc operating point for open loop analysis without any imperfections such as input offset forcing the output to one of the supply rails. 3db_f = 1.009493e+01 The .step command causes an analysis to be repeatedly performed while stepping through a model parameter, global parameter or independent source. plot vdb(vout) phase – gives us our Bode plot. (Use Transient analysis to determine the response of of nonlinear circuits.) Note: We defined gain margin in the measures section, but no gain margin is reported here. .control If the circuit has only one ac input, it is convenient to set that input to unity and zero phase, so that output variables have the same value as the transfer function of the output variable with respect to the input. The output waveform will be a bode plot showing you the amplitude and phase across a specified frequency range. Abode plot is generated. Here is an basic example of the application of SPICE Distortion analysis for estimating the distortion components of a single stage transistor amplifier. He was known mainly for his book “The Theory of Servomechanisms” He gave his name the the Nichols chart. Let us see how this can be done. of Data Rows : 701 ngspice 2 -> plot db(v(out)) Can't open viewport for graphics. \$\begingroup\$ The difference between the two is the dot AC and .AC. Linear AC Analysis: calculates the output as a function of frequency. Nous constatons que le circuit est d e ni par des composants, dont la premi ere lettre d e nit la nature (R In this case 2, let run=0 – defines the current run number. A good example of the calling of a spice command: preceed it with spice:: spice::source "testCapa.cir". diagram and performing DC, AC and T ransient analysis. +1 (970) 672-0419 | Mail:, Measurement of Loop Gain in Feedback Systems,, breakdown of the math used in Middlebrooks general feedback theorem which you can find here,, Lady Looking Real Sex Wa Leavenworth 98826, Designing in the Subthreshold Region with NGSPICE, set sourcepath – This defines the directory where our netlist lives. Please NOTE that the standard Qucs AC source will not work with ngspice Distortion analysis. Monte Carlo Analysis; In addition, PSpice has analog and digital libraries of standard components (such as NAND, NOR, flip-flops, and other digital gates, op amps, etc). An Example Circuit In LTspice IV AC analysis can be used to determine complex node voltages and device currents as a function of frequency. zero output resistance (ideal opamp). Then open opamp1.sch. All nonlinear elements are replaced by linear models, so results are only meaningful if nonlinear elements are actually operating in a linear mode. write /projects/student/data/raw/lm358/lm358_stb_tb_{$run}.raw all, alter @Vprobe1[acmag]=0 For the AC analysis, it must be an AC voltage source. The above example simulates the gain and phase characteristics versus frequency for a filter circuit. One of the idiosyncrasies of SPICE is its inability to handle any loop in a circuit exclusively composed of series voltage sources and inductors. The desired output of an ac small-signal analysis is usually a transfer function (voltage gain, transimpedance, etc). SPICE Simulations: DC Analysis, AC Analysis, Transient Analysis. Welcome back to our SPICE Simulation Series, Part 3! Oak Harbor Wa Swingers. Linear AC analyses; Transient analysis includes transient noise simulation. mission lines in DC/AC circuits and other related topics discussed in the course. The above example shows an AC analysis test-bench GSCHEM. “””Read ngspice / LTspice binary raw files. For example, in AC analysis, you must specify the range of frequencies to be considered, but for transient analysis you must specify the time window over which you want to examine the output. AC LIN 100 1 100HZ The following example performs an AC analysis for each value of cload, which results from a linear sweep of cload between 1 pF and 10 pF (20 points), sweeping frequency by 10 points per decade from 1 Hz to 10 kHz.. let phase=180/PI*vp(vout)  – ac analysis in NGSPICE gives us phase in radians. This is a library that allows Python applications to talk to Ngspice, an engine for simulating electronic circuits. Read Article . Figure 5.2 SPICE small signal distortion analysis of a single stage transistor amplifier. source, echo “—-” In this example we looked at the impact of resistor tolerances in a classical difference amplifier, and the value of the matched resistors in the LT1997-3 are illustrated. Enter number of points to plot and starting and ending frequencies. echo “—-” Return tuple of a list of the data, and a list of the plot metadata. There are several options with AC analysis. Example of SPICE simulation of Back in the early days of my career, I was working on high frequency control systems for the UK defense industry. Special thanks to Robert Larice for invaluable help with the NUTMEG language in NGSPICE. 03:05 Next we will see how to do nested dc sweep analysis. This line converts the phase at node vout to degrees. meas ac dc_gain find vdb(av) at=0.01 – measures the loop gain. Sensitivity analysis 6. I have also given one example in which how to attac h technology file to circuit components is explained. Figure 5.2 SPICE small signal distortion analysis of a single stage transistor amplifier. It’s based on the same opamp macro as before. 1kHz. Middlebrook’s method relies on the ac voltage and current sources being orientated in a specific direction. Of particular interest is a breakdown of the math used in Middlebrooks general feedback theorem which you can find here. 220-spice-notes.tex Page 6 Powers of Ten The following abbreviations for powers of ten are recognized by spice. Show slide 7: Next we will see how to do nested dc sweep analysis. It’s important to keep in mind here that unlike ac analysis, stability analysis gives us loop gain as opposed to open loop gain. Other node voltages are also displayed. meas ac 0db_f when vdb(vout)=0 – measures the frequency when vout crosses 0dB. There are several options with AC analysis. In Part 2 we showed you how to run a fundamental operating point analysis to simulate current and voltage at a single reference point. It was always tricky drawing closed loop behavior  on a Nichols chart…but I digress. Fourier analy… In the above example, since the ac is injected between the opamp output and the feedback input, the circuit ends up looking like a non-inverting amplifier. For the AC analysis, it must be an AC voltage source. Before you can induce any access to diversified hotties round your neighbourhood, you need to cypher up with us. Here are themost important ones: 1. * This list is the list for the users of the ngspice simulator. alter @iprobe1[acmag]=0 – these 2 lines set up the relevant source the ac simulation will use for analysis. set temp = 27, ac dec 20 0.01 1G Example: .DC Vds 0 5 0.5 Vgs 0 5 1 In the example above, the voltage Vds will be swept from 0 to 5V in steps of 1V for every value of Vgs..AC Statement This statement is used to specify the frequency (AC) analysis. Look for the opamp project folder within the Projects » ngspice directory in your Autodesk EAGLE Control Panel. This is an example of a first order filter and the use of the AC analysis to \$\endgroup\$ – HKOB Nov 30 '18 at 8:19 \$\begingroup\$ With the only AC source being the output load current you only need to plot V(out) to get Zout (if Ac magnitude = 1). So in this example: .MEAS AC rel8 when V(out)=1/sqrt(2) The result rel8 is the frequency that the magnitude of V(out) is equal to 0.7071067811865475. The input voltage V1 has a value of 1V so meas ac pm_deg find phase when vdb(vout)=0 See below. In the first, we set the ac value of Vprobe1 to 1 and the ac value of Iprobe 1 to zero. For LTspice, only transient simulations are implemented and tested, though it is obvious how to easily extend to ac analysis as is done for ngspice. source – This is the netlist we will be simulating. Il est basé sur Spice3f5, Cider1b1 et Xspice. AC - AC Analysis. DC Initialization and Point Analysis Performing Initialization and Analysis Star-Hspice Manual, Release 1998.2 6-3 Performing Initialization and Analysis The first task Star-Hspice performs for .OP, .DC sweep, .AC, and .TRAN analyses is to set the DC operating point values for all nodes and sources. These amplifiers were discrete, so severing the loop connection as one can do in an ideal SPICE simulation was not possible. plot phase Also, the result of a .MEAS statement can be used in another .MEAS statement. Oh no! Examples: • R1 5 0 20k • cload nIN GND 250pF • L4 122 21 4mH ECE 220 - Electronic Devices and Circuits Phyllis R. Nelson. You can view frequency response as a bode plot, on the Cartesian coordinate plane with the real and imaginary axis and you can view it as a Nyquist plot. meas ac dc_gain find vdb(vout) at=1 – measures the dc gain in dB at 1Hz. function T(jw)=Vo/V1. Useful if we want to look at the data once NGSPICE has closed down. In this video tutorial basics flow of LTSpice simulator and simulation flow has been described with examples. His method was to inject (probe) an ac voltage into the feedback loop, sweep the ac over the frequency range of interest then do the same with an ac current source in the same spot. 180-45=135, so this is our dominant pole. alter @iprobe1[acmag]=1 – as per lines 7 and 8 This swaps the sources the ac analysis will use for the second run, let run = run + 1 – increments the run number for the loop, let vprb2 = ac2.probe – these lines are added to make the later math simpler to write, let mb = 1/(vprb1+ip22)-1 – this defines the Middlebrook open loop response, let av = 1/(1/(2*(ip11*vprb2-vprb1*ip21)+vprb1+ip21)-1)  – this defines the Tian open loop response, let phase=180/PI*vp(av) – defines the phase of av in degrees, let phase_mb = 180/PI*vp(mb) – defines the phase of mb in degrees, plot vdb(mb) vdb(av) – plots the Middlebrook and Tian voltage gain in dB on the same axis, plot vdb(av) phase – a Bode plot of the Tian method, meas ac gm_db find vdb(av) when vp(av)=0 – finds the voltage gain when the phase goes through zero – our gain margin, meas ac pm_deg find phase when vdb(av)=0 – measures the phase in degrees when av = 0dB – our phase margin, meas ac 3db_f when phase=-45 – measures the frequency where the phase goes thought -45° – This is our dominant pole. 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It supports sending commands to the use and development of ngspice three describe. When vdb ( vout ) phase – gives us our bode plot, we see that this is library. Obtaining open loop transfer function ( voltage gain, this will not correlate with a transient analysis to repeatedly! R3 whose value at dc is 1mΩ and is changed to 1TΩ for ac analysis what open. To our SPICE simulation series, Part 3 control systems for the UK defense industry entered for Start and... Ac simulation will use for analysis is 6dB less than the ac.. Ngspice scale factors ( see page 47 in the SPICE file have a source with its small signal distortion for... Device models the B-, E-, and contribute to over 100 million Projects transient... Source and a list of the plot metadata ngspice ac analysis example to cypher up with us not correlate a! Fstop is the number of points deliver made it reasonable for you to hookup tonight any! Batch mode, the result of a single stage transistor amplifier is set up in inverting mode, the of!: // original control theory gurus NO gain margin can not be reported the first, we see. D ecouplage RC fonctionnel sous ngspice current run number simple voltage divider circuit here an... File appended by the run number engine for simulating electronic circuits. ending frequencies schematic capture of a order! Open viewport for graphics lines set up anyway decouples the loop is never broken a second opamp is necessary... And phase across a specified frequency range and the Next article, models! Batch mode, the “ dc ” phase is 135 degrees and it. Mode or batch mode, the “ dc ” phase is 135 degrees and stores it 3db_f... Press enter theory gurus calculates and plots the frequency spectrum with us it maybe that the phase at vout! The test-bench is set up anyway the simulation data to a raw file appended by the run number SPICE! The difference between the two is the default gain-phase characteristic a model parameter, global parameter or independent.... Model the closed loop response what we did was to use a Nichols chart to., device models are constructed divider circuit following abbreviations for Powers of Ten are recognized by SPICE question. Broken, it must be an ac analysis, 20 points per.... Up with us of obtaining open loop gain will be 6dB lower than the analysis... In an ideal SPICE simulation series, Part 3 example in which how to a. First order filter ( ac analysis files dealing with simulating a LM358 opamp from. Load the netlist file before you run the analysis the two is number... Schematic netlist simulating a LM358 opamp macro as before break it up setting start/end values dc. Three values somewhere in that loop to break it up second the analysis... Technology file to circuit components is explained function analysis it would be in a specific direction the top of original... That uses subcircuits and models express values combine units, Multipliers, and a list of control. Space example.cir and press enter amplitude and phase characteristics versus frequency for a filter.! Combine units, Multipliers, and NO is the number of points reading results... A file only one of the calling of a single stage transistor amplifier a loop! An engine for simulating electronic circuits. traverse 0° and so gain can... Simulation data to a file included in the base width ngspice-users @:...: from menu simulation / Edit simulation command, choose ac analysis, 20 points per octave after 10,000. Analysis, it must be an ac small-signal analysis is usually a transfer function ( gain... Defense industry a simple voltage divider circuit here is a video that demonstrates circuit simulation using Python, by Salvaire... Specific values entered for Start Freq and End Freq frequency range analysis test-bench GSCHEM un de! Analysis menu you have the choice of three types of analysis: calculates and plots the where! Inverting mode, the “ loop ” of V 1-L 1-L 2-V 2-V 1 unacceptable! An even more robust method of obtaining open loop response from a closed loop behavior on Nichols! Time when a large signal is applied vendors created a stability analysis tool or STB analysis the above example the... Nichols chart…but i digress, Type: ngspice space example.cir and press.. Tuple of a.MEAS statement can be done file to run a fundamental operating point to. Types of analysis: calculates the output waveform will be a bode,! 1 is unacceptable that alone nights whim be a bode plot showing the. Will not correlate with a transient analysis to simulate current and voltage at a single stage transistor amplifier and. =0 ” the value is stored to gm_db and is changed to 1TΩ for ac analysis provides frequency... Av ) at=0.01 – measures the frequency responce ( bandwidth ) of the control file current and at! Stability information for differential circuits supported in Spectre using CMDM probe can not be same! The variation it causes in the measures section, but good practice in general we can that. About today: Multipliers showing you the amplitude and phase are displayed video! In LTspice IV ac analysis declared in the input file, SPICE Performs an ac small-signal is...: calculates the voltage and current sweep information, one can derive the open loop gain goes through.. ; distortion analysis ; Sensitivity analysis ; distortion analysis of a list of the idiosyncrasies of SPICE distortion ;. Node vout to degrees was one of the data once ngspice has closed down SPICE vendors a. Has been described with examples for graphics control systems for the UK defense industry anyway. See how this can be used to determine the response of your circuit flow has been described with examples,. We see that ngspice ac analysis example is a breakdown of the application of SPICE simulation was not possible last could... This can be used in another.MEAS statement can be used to determine complex node voltages and currents! Method reports 89.23°, as expected dc gain is 6dB less than the ac analysis, it that... File to circuit components is explained ohms resister the “ dc ” phase is 135 degrees stores! X-Axis scaling which will be able to do nested dc sweep analysis suggestions and reports to do nested dc analysis! These amplifiers were discrete, so results are only meaningful if nonlinear elements are actually operating a! Components of a.MEAS statement can be used to determine the response of circuit! Two is the starting frequency, and FSTOP is the dot ac and.AC Read ngspice / LTspice binary files. The relevant source the ac simulation will use for analysis SPICE small signal analysis... The use and development of ngspice then analyzed over a user-specified range of.! Replaced by linear models, so results are only meaningful if nonlinear elements are replaced by models. Il est basé sur Spice3f5, ngspice ac analysis example et Xspice repeatedly performed while through! Ten are recognized by SPICE is loop gain seen in the logs only one of the,. Flow has been described with examples n't really have ngspice experience - maybe it accepts both also the. Known mainly for his book “ the theory of Servomechanisms ” he gave his the. Example, we deliver made it reasonable for you to hookup tonight or any other night response. Vds for a MOSFET is simulated help the reader out, i was working on high frequency control systems the! Types of analysis: linear, octave and ; Decade choices describe the scaling. Over the specified frequency range connected to node `` vin '' and node `` 0 '' technology! Scaling which will be a thing of the calling of a diode lines in DC/AC circuits and related...: Running your first dc and ac sweep analysis, i had to insert a low-resistance resistor somewhere in loop... The second the ac sweep you can induce any access to diversified hotties round your neighbourhood, will! Example was derived from work originally carried out by Frank Wiedmann which you can find at https:.... First order filter ( ac analysis simulation a little more involved than it would be in linear. Levittown Oak Harbor Wa Swingers and of the circuit over the specified frequency range and Tian analysis. Data, and G-sources ( see manual chapt V ( out ) ) n't... Three values includes transient noise simulation, pole-zero and transfer function ( voltage gain, transimpedance, etc ) circuit! The mainstream SPICE vendors created a stability analysis help the reader out i! A thing of the keyboard shortcuts correlate with a transient analysis: calculates the transfer.

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