Last month, she completed her freshman year. She didn't tell any of her friends at Francis Howell she wasn't coming back, not even Brittany. Some previous Rockwell fans were disgusted and thought the painter had taken leave of his senses. CHARLES PEARSON: I think, well, the first indicators of a turnaround is if within three years, at the end of our third year, all of our schools will be accredited again. Points for academic achievement in English-- 0, math-- 0, social studies-- 0, science-- 0, points for college placement-- 0. And to this day, that devastates me. Normandy is the worst district in the state of Missouri. In Part 2: a city going all out to integrate its schools. No one really explained why they'd lost it after all this time. Then she turned her car into a mobile situation room. So Nedra found herself back in her car on lunch breaks, making calls. Can I just say, with all due respect, I've had this conversation with superintendents and principals in districts that look just like Normandy and schools that look just like Normandy for more than a decade. So instead, the state took over. And typically what people are thinking of are places like Boston, where busing was used and where it was violent and ugly and white people just left and didn't want to deal with it. There was one other student, his friend, Arianna, and Mr. Drummer, the AP English teacher who is not certified to teach AP English, who at that moment was not in the classroom and who would just come and go. Robert Wiblin: Hi listeners, this is the 80,000 Hours Podcast, where each week we have an unusually in-depth conversation about the world’s most pressing problems and how you can use your career to solve them. Ordered to proceed with school desegregation after the 1954 Brown v. We did find out yesterday that those student scores will become our scores. In Uncategorized. And at least so far, the influx of black students hasn't caused white parents to flee. But there's one thing nobody tries anymore, despite lots of evidence that it works: desegregation. SPIEGEL: So today, we begin with the story of one woman who went searching for a solution to a problem that ultimately she found, in a way. Districts get points for academic achievement, for how many students graduate, for how well they're prepared for college. That's why a federal judge ordered white suburban schools to take thousands of black students from the city to the suburbs. I was just excited. With Stig Abell and Lucy Dallas. The reaction to large numbers of black children moving into white schools would probably sound no different in New York, or Chicago, or Boston. Support Norman Rockwell Museum and share the Legacy of Norman Rockwell's Art. Your kid's going to cry because parents are saying how awful your kid is, when really they're being put in a box because they're not like that. The bad schools never caught up to the good schools. He's the third superintendent in three years. The Wiggles logo was shown in the blue background while the instrumental version of Get Ready To Wiggle is playing in the background with a montage with silent clips of Greg fromWiggle Time!,Racing to the RainbowandWiggledancing! Seriously, nobody in charge planned this. I love her. It's easy to judge these parents, but I think part of what makes this scene so startling is that we rarely fight these battles anymore. Now that the district was no longer unaccredited, according to the state, the 1,000 students who had escaped now had to come back. They had 40 minutes left. She ain't know me and I ain't know her. She thought about it again and again, but she could not get that girl who called her names out of her head. It was Normandy School District, and now it is Normandy Schools Collaborative. And then she came over and she's like, "Hi, my name is Brittany." In most of the thousands of poor, segregated schools in America, that would be it. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to. And the reason we said no is because we don't want the different areas [INAUDIBLE] coming across on our side of the bridge, bringing with it everything that we're fighting today against. They hadn't closed the achievement gap between black kids and white kids. I don't know. Halved in just 17 years. Nedra and Mah'Ria decided to go. If I would be required to pay for her get a public education then I might as well try to send her to a private school. But this was more than just rebranding. Because I felt that I needed to represent what if your kid was in a Normandy high school and they were just offered this opportunity, and other parents are saying "We don't want you here." Because I felt not embarrassed but really, really disappointed. Because that's the issue. They began calling kids up, one by one, to get their certificates. But the new Normandy Collaborative District was non-accredited. The guy who now has the job of transforming the Normandy schools is Charles Pearson. They were negotiating on a home. The mission-- get Mah'Ria into a better school. This is how white parents in the gym frame the story, that schools failed in the past because black children were forced in. So a week after the announcement that Normandy would bus kids to Francis Howell, officials there held a town meeting to talk about it. We're carrying over routines and patterns we adjusted to in 2020 that we thought were only temporary. So, what’s happening here? This is a commitment to education issue. It's 4,000 black kids. Sometimes instead of Control-Z, we actually have zero control. The podcast “The Problem We All Live With” by Nikole Hannah Jones and Ira Glass was really eye opening and very thought provoking. In the schools where white families chose to stay, test scores for black transfer students rose. "The Problem We All Live With" was a stark, muted, uncomplicated composition, and the topic! Please check the corresponding audio before quoting in print. I care about--, It's not an empty threat. This was 30 years, a full generation after Brown. I'm Ira Glass, back next week with more stories of This American Life. There are kids who are going through these schools and not getting the education that they deserve while everyone's trying to fix it. Research help today from Michelle Harris. This week I’m joined by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Nikole Hannah Jones, she's a staff writer at The New York Times Magazine. A police officer has just killed her oldest child. So you're right, it hasn't been done. This is a transcript of a recorded podcast. She couldn't afford that. We're just stuck there because we're not open to the opportunities. How are you going to feel? And when you put a lot of kids like that together in one classroom, studies show, it doesn't go well. One mother asked why residents did not get to vote on letting in Normandy kids like they vote on public transportation. That's one in two black kids, 1 in 25 white kids. Every day, I would see her in the hall and we smiled very big. WNYC Studios is leading the new golden age in audio with high quality storytelling that informs, inspires and delights millions of curious and highly engaged listeners. The Problem We All Live With, Part I. But if we were OK, we wouldn't be fixing it. She checked into those, but even with financial aid, she couldn't afford private school either. Others denounced his "liberal" ways using derogatory language. Everyone's behind. School integration, yes. I almost started crying, really. The way I see it is a very complex problem, is not a race issue only, is a class issue (rich vs poor). I’m sitting in my home in Wilmington, Delaware and I’m excited to bring you our next podcast episode. Others denounced his "liberal" ways using derogatory language. So I had to walk out, go to the big gym. We talk with philosopher Stephen Cave about the ways we assure ourselves that death is not really the end. "Friend like that" meaning a white friend. He says when they first heard about the transfer option on the news, a lot of the Normandy teachers didn't expect many kids would take it. This is not a race issue. In 1964, Norman Rockwell painted, "The Problem We All Live With". Investigating school segregation in 2018 with Nikole Hannah-Jones: podcast & transcript. The law says they can't keep the Normandy kids in schools that aren't accredited. She's the little girl guarded by US marshals in the famous Norman Rockwell painting called The Problem We All Live With. We're going to improve teacher quality. It's not OK. Or even how to generate more sales? Right now, I want this school to be the school that I stay at for my sophomore, junior, and senior year. Listen Now. The Problem We All Live With - Part One Right now, all sorts of people are trying to rethink and reinvent education, to get poor minority kids performing as well as white kids. There's a lot of data that shows that black students going through court-ordered integration, it changed their whole lives. Our program today, The Problem We All Live With. In seventh grade, Mah'Ria was invited to a special breakfast. A mother named Beth Cirami approaches the microphone. The podcast will discuss the similarities and differences between sex addiction and other addictions. She's continued to do well. Why would I say yes? The state was taking over the Normandy District. Desegregation. She was like, "I'll hold your hand." They put their kids on the bus to go integrate the schools, and they followed behind because they needed to make sure their kids were OK. Yeah. Mah'Ria was watching it all on the monitors in an overflow room. But it's the one thing that we are not really talking about, and that very few places are doing anymore. Posted In: Podcasts & Radio. The word "integration" does not appear in Missouri's transfer law. When you combine those two things, it is almost impossible to undo that harm. I told myself, "OK, it's all good. In addiction, neurons that are fused together in childhood will stay together in adulthood, and acted out with various addictions. Nobody knew just how bad it was going to turn out. By the time Mah'Ria got to middle school, little things started happening that begin to worry Nedra even more. We were the only non-accredited district in the world. It was hard for Rihanna but she ended up having a good year. Is federal law enforcement ready for Biden's inauguration after the security failure on Capitol Hill in last week's Trump-incited riot? But the story doesn't start with the woman. He has a long track record in education, but until he was asked to lead Normandy he had never spent a day as the head of the school district. That's how crowded it was. It has never happened. And I want that security before my children walk into Francis Howell. Schools in Missouri get accredited by the state. It would have been very easy for Normandy students to get there. Ordered to proceed with school desegregation after the 1954 Brown v. Remember, they'd been on probation for 15 years. So then knowing that, knowing that in these high poverty segregated districts the students aren't doing well, is it possible for a black child in Missouri to get an equal education? Because when I got there, they had their little cheerleading squad cheering for us when we walked through the door-- "Welcome to Francis Howell," cheers like that. But Elisa said the worksheet looked to be at the middle school level. You're saying well, you know from the evidence of your own life. Of course, there are poor white children in the St. Louis area, but they live in mostly middle class areas, so they aren't attending schools as terrible as Normandy's. "Uh, excuse me. Mah'Ria had the invitation to the breakfast in her bag. And it's not even on the table. I reached out to her several times and she didn't want to talk. ... Transcript. WNYC Studios produces award-winning podcasts including Radiolab, Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin, The New Yorker Radio Hour, Science Friday, and many others. By law, they had no say in the matter. In the St. Louis area, nearly one in two black children attend schools in districts that performed so poorly the state has stripped them of full accreditation. People Want to Read. Test scores did not drop-- at all. It depicts Ruby Bridges, a six-year-old African-American girl, on her way to William Frantz Elementary School, an all-white public school, on November 14, 1960, during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis. Old fashioned, Brown versus Board of Education, 1954 technology, little kids on buses? It's the Normandy School District in Normandy, Missouri. Click here to read our privacy policy. It's 4,000. In 2014, Michael Brown's senior year, here's how the Normandy School District was performing. * * * Welcome to the Making Sense podcast… This is Sam Harris. Just a much smaller voluntary desegregation program remains. Our shows are audience supported and free for everyone to enjoy; … Is an economic issue, is many things, but to focus on the race part what I got from the episodes is: First, Money and politics, the reason the magnet schools get money is because withe people can go there. I don't have an accreditation. And when this came on the news, they ended negotiations. Typically, an entire district does not turn around. Douglas Carr was a teacher in the Normandy district. We're doing the things that improve instruction. The problem of death, and the paths to escape it Last week, we spoke with psychologist Sheldon Solomon about the fear of death and how it shapes our actions. Listen to ‘1619,’ a Podcast From The New York Times ... or read the transcripts by clicking the icon to the right of the play bar. It sits across a river in another county, roughly 30 miles away from Normandy. So four periods of music, three academic classes, one where a teacher actually taught. It also had to pay for transportation for the students. This week: a city going all-out to integrate its schools. I still have it to this day. She looked at me and I looked at her. The Problem We All Live With is a 1964 painting by Norman Rockwell.It is considered an iconic image of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. The Problem We All Live With Podcast Timeline created by SFeucht. Rockwell's first assignment for Look magazine was an illustration of a six-year-old African-American school girl being escorted by four U.S. marshals to her first day at an all-white school in New Orleans. That night, it was a traffic jam getting there. I was at a point of desperation. So I'm like, "I'm not going to fight you and then I get kicked out and you look like you were right.". When we meet in Normandy, Charles Pearson is dapper, in a gray pinstripe suit and bowtie. According to the state, a shiny new name also came with a shiny new accreditation status. Nikole Hannah-Jones looks at a district that, not long ago, accidentally launched a desegregation program. I'm just really settling, enjoying my time at Francis Howell, just in case that ends. She says at some point Mr. Drummer gave the two students a worksheet. I know from my own life, and now being able to look at the longitudinal data on it, realizing that, yes, I am living the life that that data says you live when you have the opportunity to go to an integrated school. They were less likely to have health problems. We're doing the best that we can. The idea is, try anything they can to keep Normandy students inside the district. Mah'Ria's thriving. Those kids have greater educational needs. He wrote in his ruling, "Every day a student attends an unaccredited school, the child could suffer harm that cannot be repaired." Although this is a given for deaf audiences, those not afflicted by hearing difficulty would also enjoy the ability to read through transcripts, and avoid the distractions and discomfort listening may potentially cause. Most Recent Podcast 4 Rhythms to Renew Your Mind. The principal at Rihanna's middle school, not even a year into the job, resigned. She's escorted by four white deputy U.S. marshals. To be clear, Normandy did not lose its accreditation because of violence. And I was like, "Hi, I'm Mah'Ria." They were more likely to graduate and to go to college. A New View of Norman Rockwell's "The Problem We All Live With" By Devan Casey, Museum Intern When you walk into the main gallery at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts you see a collection of Rockwell’s world famous and carefree illustrations depicting small town America. The teacher told her that she had too many kids in her class to call all their parents. Production help from Emmanuel Dzotsi. This American Life Life is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. Michael Brown became a national symbol of the police violence against black youth, but when I looked into his education, I realized he's also a symbol of something else, something much more common. Writer and musician Ahamefule Oluo has been puzzling out one story for a lot of his life. In an area like this one, another way of schooling might work better for all involved, but they don't have the resources or ability to change. Rihanna thought about leaving and going back to Normandy. It didn't go so well. Something is wrong." CHARLES PEARSON: We need to really create a new Normandy. This is why after years of studying this, Nikole thinks segregated schools full of poor kids are probably never going to catch up to other schools. I'm an organizational psychologist. CHARLES PEARSON: Wow, what a great question. We got tried. I didn't know where to sit or anything like that. I was just so excited, like God had of truly answered my prayers. And so today, we thought we would put it on the table and talk about it. You took my son away from me. gap that never seem to work. Hopefully, we’ll also get a glimpse into human possibility! When I hear this, and I've written about these types of schools for a long time--. And at Rihanna's graduation, the vice president of the Missouri State Board of Education spoke. And yes, there are black people in Iowa. 4. Mah'Ria, to be honest with you, she wasn't having a problem. Rev provides free full transcripts of speeches, rallies, debates, announcements, congressional hearings, events, press conferences, interviews, podcasts, and more. The Problem We All Live With, 1964. Mah'Ria usually brought home As, but when she got a C, Nedra asked the teacher why she had not been notified. Peak of School Integration Dec 3, 1980. In Part 1, This American Life looked at a school district integrating by accident. Normandy officials chose a district called Francis Howell. A New View of Norman Rockwell's "The Problem We All Live With" By Devan Casey, Museum Intern When you walk into the main gallery at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts you see a collection of Rockwell’s world famous and carefree illustrations depicting small town America. But even there, they were just improving the students' scores. And we were standing by the door, me and my mom were walking towards the [INAUDIBLE] and I had hesitated. Once Normandy comes in here, will that lower our accreditation? For nearly three months, Mah'Ria tried to make it work at Normandy High School. I've got a daughter and I kept wondering what magic parenting spell Nedra has cast to get her teenage daughter to like her so much. But meanwhile, there's kids in those classrooms. And these scores are not just the scores of the specific kids who got bused into white schools. And now we're open to them, and now you want to be all mean, talking about how you're afraid of how big the class is going to be, the violence in the schools. Mah'Ria looked around, surveying the gym-- a sea of 3,000 mostly white faces. You mean just integrated schools? But if you're in a classroom that has some kids behind and some kids advanced, the kids who are behind tend to catch up. Throughout a part of the podcast Nikole Hannah Jones and Ira Glass discuss desegregation in schools. We're still dealing with that today. 3. This is not a race issue. The classroom across the hall, where it should be held, smells like mildew and the ventilation system doesn't work. So the state says, "We've taken you over. She just disappeared. This is what happened in cities all over. It's just that, in most of the country, no one is even trying. And I just want to say to-- if she's even still here-- the first woman who came up here and cried that it was a race issue, I'm sorry, that's her prejudice calling me a racist because my skin is white and I'm concerned about my children's education and safety. Here's Nedra. And she just really got to know me. And I want to know. I want the same security that Normandy gets when they walk through their school doors, and I want it here. Most black kids will not be shot by the police but many of them will go to a school like Michael Brown's. And it was great. And then this lady, I don't remember who she was. The first person that I met at Francis Howell was Brittany. That's right. Period: Dec 3, 1971 to Dec 4, 1988. I didn't even get halfway to the microphone because of what the parents were saying. Rewind 10 Seconds. Francis Howell is no longer accepting any students from the Normandy because Normandy is now called the Collaborative something. And she was trying to fight me over nothing. 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