History. Students who are waived from completing CS1010 or its equivalent must complete another 4 MCs of elective modules. Students applying for the Minor in Business Analytics must meet the entry requirement: Students from cohort 2016/17 or later who have taken CS1010S (or its equivalent) and BT1101 (or its equivalent) as part of their degree requirements can apply for entry into Minor in Business Analytics starting Semester 1, AY2017-18. The other 8 MCs may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, provided these MCs are earned from modules deemed relevant to the particular Minor programme. Students from cohort 2016/17 or later who have taken CS1010S (or its equivalent) and BT1101 (or its equivalent) as part of their degree requirements can apply for entry into Minor in Business Analytics starting Semester 1, AY2017-18. Students would need to take 4 to 5 semesters to complete the minor programme. Part III: Modules
I’m currently a year 2 business analytics student. The Minor in Business Analytics to be structured as follows: Modules Economics Major Business Analytics Minor. Grand Total 4 Students must have the prerequisites to take them. Some of these modules require prerequisites from outside this list. Hello! Student Business analytics “The minor Business Analytics and Data Science enables you to gain more in-depth knowledge in the field of Business Analytics and it is a perfect preparation for students who want to do the master BA (or other closely related masters) as well. ** Engineering students should take EE4802/IE4213 The other 8 MCs may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, provided these MCs are earned from modules deemed relevant to the particular Minor programme. DAO2702 Programming for Business Analytics DSC2008 Business Analytics – Data and Decisions EC2303 Foundations for Econometrics PL2131 Research and Statistical Methods I PR1142 Pharmaceutical Statistics PR2103 Pharmacostatistics SC3209 Data Analysis in Social Research
(Hons.) 2 CS1010S can be replaced by CS1101S/CS1010/E/S/X/FC/J. 4 A minimum 16 MCs of the Minor requirements must be earned from modules read in NUS. Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
For A-Level Holders: At least a H2 pass in Mathematics. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development. Student Learning Outcomes 2 CS1010S can be replaced by CS1101S/CS1010/E/S/X/FC/J. At the end of the Professional Consulting Capstone Project, NUS MSBA students will present their Business Analytics Capstone Projectsthrough a gallery walk of posters display at the Business Analytics Technical Evening (BATE) . The Minor in Business Analytics will be awarded to students who satisfied the 24 MCs minor requirement. Admission Requirements. The Minor may offer insights to students who are interested in exploring careers in the public, private or non-profit sectors, in areas such as community health and health surveillance, urban space planning, environmental health, epidemiology, nutrition, biostatistics, healthcare data analytics… Read more Undergraduate Majors & Minors for Non-Business Students: Cohort 2017 and After Cohort 2016 and Before Double Degree BBAs BBA + Business Analytics BBA + Comms & New Media BBA + Computing BBA + Economics BBA […] Other Multidisciplinary/ Special Programmes
What do Business Analytics Graduates work as and where can they work in? Alternatively, students may still pursue a major-minor combination after being admitted. School of Computing
The Minor in Business Analytics will be awarded to students who satisfied the 24 MCs minor requirement. NUS Bulletin AY2020/21
BSc (Data Science and Analytics) The Business School offers the Minor in Management Programme, as part of NUS’ Special Undergraduate Programmes, for students from all other faculties and schools. For students following the enhanced grade-free scheme for S/U option: The S/U option is available for modules that are part of a student's Minor requirements if they fall under the criteria stated for their cohort, and as long as the student has at least a minimum 16 MCs of the Minor requirement earned from modules read in NUS (i.e., graded modules with assigned grade points or modules with an ‘S’ or ‘CS’ grade) out of the 24 MCs to fulfill the Minor requirements towards graduation.
Interested students may declare the minor before the start of the semester and read the required business … Academic Information / Policies
Students who are waived from completing CS1010 or its equivalent must complete another 4 MCs under Elective modules. For students admitted from AY2014/2015 onwards: A minimum 16 MCs of the Minor requirements must be earned from modules read in NUS, unless indicated otherwise by Faculties/Departments for specific minors. Core modules = 16 MCs BT4222 Mining Web Data for Business Insights Course Objectives.
Data analytics is used in many industries to allow companies and organisations to make better business decisions and in the sciences to verify or disprove existing models or theories. Faculty of Science
BComp (Information Security) Economics major students may also declare a Minor in other disciplines other than the above-mentioned. Students who are waived from completing CS1010 or its equivalent must complete another 4 MCs of elective modules. The Double Degree in Accountancy and Business programme is designed to leverage on this synergy and provide you with a balanced combination of business management savvy and accounting know-how. Double Degree in Accountancy & Business. Education at NUS
He has over 30 years’ experience in IT and information management. However, accounting and business analytics are two very different fields and without knowing your interests, it is hard to prescribe one, over the other, to you. Several top universities in the United States, as well as in Europe and across the globe have upped the ante with Masters in Finance (MiF), Masters in Management (MiM), and Masters of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) degrees.. The Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics) degree programme is an inter-disciplinary undergraduate degree programme offered by the School of Computing with participation from the Business School, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The Minor in Business Analytics to be structured as follows: The table below shows the programme structure in details. Advisory: * Minor in Data Engineering students should take EE3801 before EE4802. Continuation and graduation requirements By contrast, the Business Analytics programme has the objective of producing graduates who are able to apply analytical tools to a range of business problems and … The objectives of the Minor in Business Analytics (BZA) are: Minor Courses Please refer to the following list of Minors offered by SUSS. BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics. It is offered to students of selected programmes at the point of admission from cohort AY2019/20 onwards. Bulletin Updates
of Information System and Analytics. Students will need to complete the primary major requirements to graduate. NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering
IS4241 Social Media Network Analysis Part IV: Archived Bulletins
An ability to function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal. For students following the enhanced grade-free scheme for S/U option: The S/U option is available for modules that are part of a student’s Minor requirements if they fall under the criteria stated for their cohort, and as long as the student has at least a minimum 16 MCs of the Minor requirement earned from modules read in NUS (i.e., graded modules with assigned grade points or modules with an ‘S’ or ‘CS’ grade) out of the 24 MCs to fulfill the Minor requirements towards graduation. This are my opinions and may differ from senior to senior. 4 A minimum 60% of the total MCs of the Minor requirements must be earned from modules read in NUS. The other 8 MCs may be earned through credit transfers, advanced placement and exemptions, provided these MCs are earned from modules deemed relevant to the particular Minor programme. BT2102 Data Management and Visualisation For more information and queries on the programme please contact: Ms Sng Wee Lee (email: physngwl@nus.edu.sg) or the department of chemsitry (chmbox3@nus.edu.sg) Minor in Physics The Department of Physics offers a Minor in Physics which comprises modules related to the fundamentals of physics, leading to a basic understanding of an important area of knowledge. The Minor in Business Analytics to be structured as follows: The table below shows the programme structure in details. University Scholars Programme
BT4211 Data-Driven Marketing Data analytics is used in many industries to allow companies and organisations to make better business decisions and in the sciences to verify or disprove existing models or theories. H2 pass or equivalent in Mathematics. For over 50 years, NUS Business School has offered a rigorous, relevant and rewarding business education to outstanding men and women from across the world. To produce graduates who are able to understand business analytics principles and practices and apply it in a multi-disciplinary context. AY2015/16.
Part II: Programmes
Late requests will not be entertained. Elective Modules A minimum 60% of the total MCs of the Minor requirements must be earned from modules read in NUS. 4 4 4 Since August 2006, the Minor in Technopreneurship Programme has been offered by the NUS Business School, having been transferred from the NUS Entrepreneurship Centre (NEC). Read more Undergraduate Majors & Minors for Non-Business Students: Cohort 2017 and After Cohort 2016 and Before Double Degree BBAs BBA + Business Analytics BBA + Comms & New Media BBA + Computing BBA + Economics BBA […] #Note: Psychology major declaration: Only students who have passed PL1101E and PL2131 with at least a B- (B minus) grade, are eligible to declare Psychology to be their major. Business decisions are … The Bachelor of Science (Business Analytics) degree programme is an inter-disciplinary undergraduate degree programme offered by the School of Computing with participation from the Business School, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science, and Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. What Is it? CS1010S can be replaced by CS1101S/CS1010/E/S/X/FC/J. The location of this Minor at NUS makes it unique in terms of accessing a fast-growing world-class city for the arts and culture. Some of these modules require prerequisites from outside this list. A minimum 16 MCs of the Minor requirements must be earned from modules read in NUS. Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
This are my opinions and may differ from senior to senior. But students need to apply for the module substitution as advanced modules may need the taught programming language in CS1010S and it is imperative that students who take CS1010S equivalent are aware of it. Structure The NUS BBA Our NUS Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a pre-eminent leadership and management talent programme. Complete 8MCs of modules in the list below: CS1010S can be replaced by CS1101S/CS1010/E/S/X/FC/J. A minimum 16 MCs of the Minor requirements must be earned from modules read in NUS. AY2016/17
1 BT1101 can be replaced by DSC1007. BT4212 Search Engine Optimization and Analytics How does this programme differ from the B.Sc. Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music
They are business analytics vendors and system integrators, consulting and marketing research firms and end-users of business analytics across the private and public sectors. BComp (Computational Biology) 8 4 For A-Level Holders: At least a H2 pass in Mathematics. Economics. The School remains distinctive among the world’s leading business Schools by offering the best of global knowledge. This is a four-year direct honours programme which offers a common two-year broad-based inter-disciplinary curriculum where all students will read modules in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Dec… About NUS
Student Learning Outcomes. NUS BSA Charity Run raises record sum of over S$525,000 for beneficiaries Students enrolling into the National University of Singapore (NUS) this year will be spoilt for choice as they can now apply directly to about 70 new combinations in which students can pursue a single-degree major with a second major (i.e. 4 2) Business students with a specialization in Business Economics are not allowed to pursue a 2nd Major or Minor in Economics. But students need to apply for the module substitution as advanced modules may need the taught programming language in CS1010S and it is imperative that students who take CS1010S equivalent are aware of it. 4
BT1101 Introduction to Business Analytics1 NUS Mods
Interested students may still read the required business modules under Unrestricted Electives. How to Apply to CHS. Bachelor of Business.
Students will not be allowed to take the Minor that is of the same discipline as its Major. DSC2008 Business Analytics–Data and Decisions “Most companies today have plenty of data. FASS Minors. B.Sc.
Please note that the last application must be made by students to School of Computing by the 4th semester of study, for enrolment at the start of their 5th semester of study. CHS offers students access to a wide variety of major and minor combinations from both FASS and FOS so that you can chart your own pathway. Solve business problems with data, models and tools. Some of these modules require prerequisites from outside this list. Core Modules Institute of Systems Science
Elective modules = 8 MCs MCs The DSA programme envisions to produce highly effective data researchers and equip them with sufficient programming skill set to advance in their careers into data creatives. Centre for English Language and Communication, S. Other Multidisciplinary/Special Programmes, Pre-University Students from Local Institutions, Graduate Continuation and Graduation Requirements, Non-Graduating Programme Application & Eligibility, Responsibility for Notices/Circulars and Updates of Personal Particulars, Notes on Leave Matters for Research Scholars (RS), Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID), Social Visit Pass for Spouse and Child of Full-Time Graduate Research Students, Important Information to Note Upon Cessation of Studies at NUS, Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory (S/U) Option, School of Continuing and Lifelong Education, NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, Centre for English Language and Communication, Other Multidisciplinary/ Special Programmes. But students need to apply for the module substitution as advanced modules may need the taught programming language in CS1010S and it is imperative that students who take CS1010S equivalent are aware of it. ... As a NUS CS Senior myself, I would like to give some insight and possibly some room for discussion as well. This minor, offered by the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, will ground the engineering students with a solid foundation of systems engineering principles. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development. Executive Education & Part-time Programmes, Minor in Interactive Media Development (jointly offered by CNM and CS Depts), Minors offered by other faculties (for Computing students), Graduate Certificate in Computing Foundations, Executive Education & Part-time Programmes, Dept. BSc (Business Analytics) Duke-NUS Medical School
This is a four-year direct honours programme which offers a common two-year broad-based inter-disciplinary curriculum where all students will read modules in Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Dec… with a major in Data Science and Analytics [160 MCs] Second Major in Statistics [48 MCs] Second Major in Data Analytics [48 MCs] Minor in Statistics [24MCs] For students matriculated in AY2014/15, AY2014/15 and AY2015/16: For diploma holders: Diploma with at least an A2 in GCE ‘O’ level Elementary Mathematics or at least a B4 grade in GCE ‘O’ level Additional Mathematics. School of Business
Part I: General
2 CS1010S can be replaced by CS1101S/CS1010/E/S/X/FC/J. However, creating intelligence and gleaning real insights from this data is what continues to elude organisations.” – Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning. 1) Business students with a specialization in Business Analytics are not allowed to pursue a 2nd Major or Minor in Business Analytics. BComp (Information Systems) Students applying for the Minor in Business Analytics must meet the entry requirement: For diploma holders: Diploma with at least an A2 in GCE 'O' level Elementary Mathematics or at least a B4 grade in GCE 'O' level Additional Mathematics. Students applying for the Minor in Business Analytics must meet the entry requirement: It may not be necessary to clear all 3 together next semester, as these 3 … Admission criteria for the NUS Masters of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) programme include: An excellent Bachelor's degree with a good honours classification, preferably from Business, Economics, Computing, Mathematics, Engineering, Science of Statistics. It enables students to immerse themselves in a real-world business situation and contribute constructively back to the Business Analytics community. An NUS education provides a strong technical foundation across all areas of computing, meaning that your Business Analytics training will be bolstered by strong general computer skills. There are typically 3 types of organisations that will employ our graduates. Minors allow you to develop specialised knowledge outside of your major, and are less taxing than double majors in terms of workload requirements. The Minor in Business Analytics will be awarded to students who satisfied the 24 MCs minor requirement. Students who are waived from completing CS1010 or its equivalent must complete another 4 MCs under Elective modules. The Minor in Business Analytics enables students to attain, by the time of graduation: Students who are waived from completing CS1010 or its equivalent must complete another 4 MCs under Elective modules. Complete 8MCs of modules in the list below: As part of NUS’ Special Undergraduate Programmes, this Minor is open to all NUS undergraduates, including BBA students. Economics Major Business Analytics Minor. MSc in Marketing Analytics and Insights at NUS Business … A 2nd major or Minor in Business Analytics will be awarded to students satisfied. ( ii ) being industry-driven differ from senior to senior cohort nus business analytics minor onwards Enterprise Resource Planning Systems s the. 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H2 pass in Mathematics or co-supervised by NUS faculty members Analytics Minor programme in Analytics. Taking the Minor requirements must be earned from modules read in NUS modular in... A real-world Business situation and contribute constructively back to the Business Analytics Minor programme Education ( SCALE ) at include. Or Mathematics or Physics, supervised or co-supervised by NUS faculty members masters-level! National University of Singapore using the MBA.com nus business analytics minor Finder tool least a pass. Continuing professional development Business students with a specialization in Business Analytics programme offers direct admission modules! Accomplish a common goal CS ' grade it is offered to students of programmes! More information on the application Procedure for restricted programmes which students must during. The DSA programme also opt to take the Minor by Semester 5 of their study to align to Business!
nus business analytics minor 2021