Guards dismiss it, Thieves Guild members and associates don't have that option, and most citizens inevitably point you to Bersi Honey-Hand. He will cave quickly and spill the information to you. It will make life easier later. This is a simple quest. If you remembered to lower the drawbridge, it is a simple run through. Now I have decided to really get immersed and let the NPCs talk, listen to their stories and such. This is a WIP, made by me. Go around to the back and pick the gate (expert). This is for every Thane of Riften or King or Queen or Thieves who ever felt they deserve a little more luxury than the vanilla shack offered. Riften - Guild City Of Thieves. It has been replaced by mud, barrels, crates, wagons, rats, thiefs, ladders and other rather murky and unpleasant things. Return to Mercer and tell him what you know. You have three choices now: enter through the front, pick the lock to the back door (expert) or enter through the sewer grate. Go inside and meet Brynjolf. Uploaded by nesbit098. 50,022. Get some details on how to leverage the three from Brynjolf and head out to collect some coin. So my question is: are the Thieves Guild quests going to make Riften a worse place? Mercer will give you your next job: to go to the Goldenglow Estate and perform some industrial sabotage to send a message to the owner of the estate that the Guild does not take kindly to double-crossers. I found Riften to be too nice. Put the Skeleton Key into the slot and listen to Nocturnal speak and then Karliah before picking your chosen blessing. You might need to take down a few guards along the way if you cannot circumvent them. Make sure to keep an eye open for Chillrend in the house. He will collapse the platform under you and make Brynjolf attack Karliah so you will be alone in this fight. Grab a roll of paper and a stick of charcoal and head through the door to find Calcelmo's notes. This page was last edited on 3 November 2017, at 20:55. You will need to go through the Ratway to reach the Flagon. Quickly loot Mercer's body and wait for the room to fill. Once you have the plans, return to Brynjolf to plan your next move. Created by Nesbit098 . Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. The thieves guild,located in Riften. V1.0.7. The moment you get a rubbing of the notes, a group of guards will show up at the entrance. He will ask you to steal a ring from Madesi and plant it on Brand-Shei. Description Beware! Karliah will tell you to take the Skeleton Key to the Twilight Sepulcher. Before you leave, you can speak to Brynjolf to get information on Gulum-Ei. Speak with him and ask about joining the Guild. The current head of the Guild is Mercer Frey, his predecessor Gallus Desidenius was killed while attending a meeting. Exit Riften and head west towards Goldenglow Estate. It is used as a base of operations by the Thieves' Guildand used to be a bustling place of commerce when the Guild was in its heyday. Endorsements. Watch your health and take him out. The quests are: To activate the first four quests, you need to do 5 Radiant quests for either Vex or Delvin in each connected city (Whiterun, Markarth, Windhelm, and Solitude respectively). We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. The key to his museum is on some boxes in a corner. The Thieves' Guild is a faction the Dragonborn can join in Skyrim. Brynjolf will tell you to go meet Mercer who will ask you to go find a contact by the name of Gulum-Ei in Solitude. This quest doesn't run until you enter Riften. Karliah will tell you that it was Mercer that betrayed the Guild and she is trying to avenge the previous master, Gallus. It is that simple, and all you need to do now, is watch the video, take stock of the images and follow the load order and technical advice for this mod if you choose to use it. Practically run by the Black-Briars and the Thieves Guild, Riften isn't the most popular city in Skyrim. Go to the Bee and Barb to find Maven on the 2nd level. Like us on Facebook! Trigger. There is no special job for Riften because the Thieves Guild already has influence in the city. This begins the first quest, A Chance Arrangement, in which you must steal a ring and plant it on another person.If the quest is failed, Brynjolf will still give you the next quest. There is a passage in the ceiling that you can escape through once the room is submerged. He will then continue to play dumb and refuse to tell you any more. 8 Help Wujeeta Nahila Bonfiglio. So head off to Markath and to the palace. Thieves Guild is and remains a part of the city in vanilla game. Mercer is assisted in the running of the Guild by his right-hand man Brynjolf and the treasurer Delvin Mallory. Once inside, you can either head straight up the stairs to the right to the Dwemer Museum and pick the lock to get in (expert) or you can head left to find Calcelmo working in front of an alchemy lab and an arcane enchanter. The Thieves Guild/Riften. Just speak to Karliah and she will tell you to meet her at Nightingale Hall. Once inside the Lab make your way through killing the Wizard's Guards that show up. Once they pass by underneath and the last guard takes up his post, jump down and make a sneaky run for the exit. The thieves operating from the dank and musty cistern beneath the city of Riften all noted that they'd been down on their luck, failing at jobs so often that high-ranking guild member Delvin Mallory believed they managed to anger Lady Luck herself, and Nocturnal was punishing them. Make your way to Honningbrew Meadery to find Sabjorn worrying about an impending visit by Whiterun's Captain of the Guards. Head back to Riften and report to Mercer. Get your pay and watch the resulting scene. The easiest to leverage are Bersi and Haelga. If not, you have to fight your way through again. When you first enter Riften, you will be called out to by Maul leaning against a pillar on a building to the left of the gate. There are quite a few tripwire traps here. 15 likes. Head down through the Ratway to the Ragged Flagon. Or are they sort of "steal from the rich, screw over worse criminals" type of thieves like the wiki suggests they are? Just press him until he refuses to talk to you any more and step out of sight to wait until he gets up. The entire city is bisected by a large canal that used to serve as access for small cargo boats, but lately has fallen into disrepair, decay and stagnation thanks to the lack of trade during the Civil War. Within the Guild, there is a group known as the Nightingales who form the core leadership of the Guild. Original upload 11 November 2019 9:19PM. You can climb up the rocks near the ship docked by the house to get to the back door. Just follow him through to a locked door and wait for him to pick it. Stand on the broken staircase on the right hand side of the room so he only has one way to come at you. Head down into the basement and fight your way through the skeevers and Frostbite Spiders. Once he is dealt with, the room will start flooding. To join the Thieves Guild, travel to Riften and come into contact with Brynjolf, who can be found at the market stalls during the day, or the Bee and Barb tavern during the night. She will tell you that she needs some competition taken care of and direct you to a contact in Whiterun. When you follow him, make sure he does not notice or he will stop and refuse to move. He will tell you that he cannot without the notes of a famous scholar that can be found in Markarth. The main area of the pub an… To start this questline speak to Brynjolf in Riften. He will take you to meet Mercer who will welcome you to the Guild. During the Fourth Era, the Skyrim Thieves Guild in Riften was less than a shadow of its former self. Riften has been remade to truly reflect its commercial history, and that of the guild, with treasure, traps, bolt holes, and walkways extending high above the city befitting of The Guild City Of Thieves. Wait until his back is turned and swipe it. Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Intense Violence, Blood and Gore, Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, Amazon's The Lord of the Rings Prequel: The Second Age Explained, How to Transfer PC Saves to the Special Edition, Zelda Gear, Master Sword, and Amiibo Unlockables, Transfer Saves Between Between 360 and PC, Bring Ancient Falmer Tome to Urag-gro Shub, Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. It can be purchased from Dodgy Derek for 10 pilfer points or from the Grand Exchange. Once there follow the corridor to a large room full of paper and charcoal. Continue through the dungeon killing draugr and keeping a close eye out for traps. It's based of my other mod Destroy the Thieves Guild and provides a more peaceful (ahem, *cough* brawling *cough*) solution to deal with the Thieves Guild in Riften : instead of killing them all, you can place them behind bars, but you have to do this on your own because the guards have been bribed by Maven Black-Briar. Jan 8, 2021, 2:56 pm* Parsec . Gone is the beauty of the surrounding aspen forest. To convince him to give you the information you need to buy him off. There are bandits around so just dispatch them and go into the basement. Really, that's all. Swipe the key to the Honningbrew Meadery from the wall beside the door and exit to go find Sabjorn. Riften requires you to help 5 citizens and complete a questline, making it one of the longest quests to become a Thane in the game. The current master of the Guild is always a Nigthingale as are his closest advisers. But it is likely that it was founded around the same time as the city of Riften was. Guildmaster- Vusoven Leaders- Qa Zee, Queenie Legacy- Chillrend, Vardon, Spartan, Ecleptix Upon speaking with Brynjolf, express interest in thievery and he will give you a little test before he accepts you. Riften Thieves Guild: 54 ships destroyed and 34 ships lost. There you will find Mercer who is in the process of looting the statue. Once inside, search for Mercer's plans. At that point, it runs in the background and gives you new topics with most NPCs where you comment on Riften's poor state. Speak to him and he will tell you of some unsuccessful robbers. However, other guild members are clear his stories should be taken with a pinch of salt. Speaking with him is how you initiate the quest itself. Skyrim: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Riften. The Thieves' Guild is a clan stationed in the sewers of Riften. Just run into the palace and pick it up, no one is watching the wine. Just follow instructions when she tells you to and go through the motions until you are done with the quest. It is unknown when the Guild was founded. Mercer will now ask you to accompany him to Snow Veil Sanctum. Skyrim Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Mar 22, 2015 @ 4:14pm Destroy the Thieves an awesome mod found on the Nexus, not sure about Steam. Once the door opens you get shot and have to sit there and watch the resulting cutscene. Members of the guild specialize in stealing objects of varying value or loaning septims to potential entrepreneurs or to help someone pay off their debts, in hopes of a payback. Certain parts of Riften are clean-able, but the Thieves Guild and Black Briars are here to stay. You can only access the second entrance once you have joined the … Do so and follow her into the hall. Keep heading deeper into the dungeon until you reach the end of Calcelmo's tower. There are a few large caverns that you can choose to sneak by the Falmer or just kill them all. Before you enter, do not forget to flip a lever for to a drawbridge nearby. Once you have the ring just plant it on Brand-Shei and watch the resulting arrest. She gives you Gallus's Encoded Journal to translate and points you in the direction of Enthir. After you wake up, speak to Karliah to continue. See the website for our ESO guild. The Ragged Flagon is a pub located beneath Riften in the Ratway. There are a few more quests you can perform for the Guild in order to restore it to its former glory. Some within the Guild believe that the run of bad luck has been brought on by a curse. There are two entrances to the headquarters one via the Ratway into The Ragged Flagon and a second directly into The Ragged Flagon - Cistern hidden beneath a tomb that dominates the small graveyard to the east of Riften's Hall of the Dead. Once you reach a deep pit, jump in and loot the body then wait a while for the floor to lower you into the Inner Sanctum. Follow them and listen to the conversation until you find out the extent of Mercer's betrayal and Byrnjolf gives you a new job to do. He will ask for a crate of Firebrand Wine. Brynjolf will provide a distraction to make things slightly easier for you. They have quite a long conversation so you can quickly sneak across to the door on the opposite side. Bethesda Game Studios' blockbuster open-world RPG puts players on the precipice of determining the future of Skyrim as the Empire waits for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born with the power of The Voice, and the only one who can stand amongst the dragons. 1. Is making the Thieves Guild more powerful bad for Riften like some of the NPCs say? Dispatch him and make your way into the house. He owns one of the market stands in the center of town and can be often found wandering in the streets, the marketplace, or in the Ragged Flagon and its extensions. Return to Maven at the Bee and Barb when you are done and she will tell you to find Brynjolf. At this point you will be attacked by Vlad. 261. The Thieves' Guild has fallen on hard times recently and has been in sharp decline. Go there and you will see the ghost of Gallus at the entrance. Make your way through the dungeon, killing or sneaking past the Nightingale spectres when you encounter them. Virus scan. Some within the Guild believe that the run of bad luck has been brought on by a curse. Vipir The Fleet, a Nord thief, is a member of the Thieves Guild and the master trainer for Pickpocket.Apparently, he earned his nickname for running all the way from Windhelm to Riften instead of mounting his horse after a botched job. After you reach the end and confront him. It is locked so you need to pick it or pickpocket the key from Madesi. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to become Thane of Riften in Skyrim. At the end speak to Brynjolf first then Karliah to continue. It is unknown when the Guild was founded. The Thieves' Guild is a clan stationed in the sewers of Riften. After Sabjorn gets dragged off, speak to Mallus and get permission to ransack the living area. Once you have broken into the safe, just head back out and towards the beehives. Last updated 04 May 2020 7:32PM. Just follow her as she presents her evidence to Bynjolf, Delvin and Vex. Head to the Bannered Mare to find Mallus who will provide you with some poison to use on Sabjorn's special reserve. You can't really deal with all of their members in modded game either, because they are required for the main quest. Or jump back in the water, swim around to the north east of the isle with the beehives and climb the rocks there. Tags for this mod. There is only a signature here because it makes the post look neater. - posted in Skyrim Spoilers: I have given my Skyrim a new, fresh start (I have yet to play a game where I get over level 25 >//>) with a new character and the most endorsed mods on Nexus. Then poison the nest and head upstairs to poison the special reserve as well. There are four jobs, one for each walled Hold capital (Markarth, Solitude, Whiterun and Windhelm). The city had a small sewer system used only as a "rat pathway" which the Guild believed would be expanded as Riften grew, and it was hoped that the tunnels could someday be utilized in their activities. Once you reach a Nordic puzzle door, Mercer will start talking again and move up to pick the door. Despite being the most difficult Thieves Guild-related armor to acquire, the Guild Master's armor is inferior to the Blackguard's armor in enchantments. Offer to help him poison the skeever nest in the basement and he will take you up on the offer. 18 talking about this. While you are in Riften, there is a 20% chance that a thief will appear at any moment to steal someone's items on the streets or in their store. Mercer will constantly disappear and reappear again after he is taken a few hits. Safe to use . It is well worth it, though, granting powerful items and a companion. Return to Brynjolf when you are done. Once you get two down, your reputation precedes you and the third should cave without leverage. Brynjolf will say that he is impressed with you and ask you to come to the Ragged Flagon. Head to the market between 8am and 8pm to look for Brynjolf. Do not forget to grab the document. Madesi's ring can be found in a safe under his stall. Return to Enthir with the notes and he will translate the journal for you. Go to Mercer's house in Riften and break in. If you play Skyrim as the Head of the Thieves Guild, chances are you were bitterly underwhelmed by Honeyside. Once you finish informing Mercer of what happened, Bynjolf will come find you and say that Maven Black-Briar wants to see you. He will send you to collect some debts from three people. A mage called Hamelyn is living here and he throws a nasty fireball. Version. When you reach a large cavern, proceed with caution. Brynjolf will approach you and question your wealth before inviting you to help him with a little plot. It has since fallen into a bit of disrepair after the Guild started losing its fortunes. They can be found in the Ratway beneath Riften, and are based in the Ragged Flagon, a tavern hidden in the Ratway run by the thieves. But it is likely that it was founded around the same time as the city of Riften was. There is a secret entrance to the hideout located in the Riften graveyard, inside the only large tomb in the place. He will then tell you to seek out Brynjolf in the market during the day. Follow us on Twitter! This man is Brynjolf, a core member in the Thieves Guild that runs in Riften. Go there and he will be waiting for you outside the dungeon. Based in Skyrim and headquartered in The Ratway beneath the city of Riften, members of the Thieves Guild are renowned for causing trouble in the city and are held largely responsible for the corruption of the city's markets. They are quite tough so if you do not want to fight them, quickly drop down onto the ledge to the left and follow it around. Go to the basement of the inn in Winterhold to find Enthir and ask him to translate the diary. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. [9] Karliah will tell you to go to Irkngthand and hunt for Mercer. A thieves' guild teleport is used to teleport straight to the Thieves' Guild. Once you are out of the place, speak to Karliah to continue. "Riften - Thief Edition" transforms Riften into a much denser and much more thiefy place. You can kill the guards, just not Aringoth. Once you complete this quest, not only does he offer you more quests to complete, but new random events can occur in the city. Head to Solitude's inn to find this character when you are ready. The Thieves Guild is back, and they've got Riften in their grip." #4. 2. As the name suggests, they specialize in lockpicking, pickpocketing, and overall thievery. Either way use a spell or a torch to set fire to them all and either flee or kill the responding guards. Once inside the museum, be careful of the two city guards inside. If you want to be sneaky, you can activate traps by turning the bright red valves to kill a bunch off at once. Make your choice and go to the end of the dungeon. Either way, once you are inside you can either head to the 2nd floor to get the key from Aringoth or just head straight to the safe and pick it (expert). After hearing the translation, Karliah will ask you to accompany her to the Thieves' Guild to inform the other members of Mercer's betrayal. Around this time, the Thieves Guild began showing an interest in Riften, and an agent was sent to scout it and compile a report on its layout, merchants, and guard patrols. Thanks for watching our Skyrim Mod Spotlight! Go find the body and pick up the journal, then read it to get some cryptic clues about the challenges ahead. Just head down into the Ratway and fight your way through the bandits inhabiting it until you get to the entrance of the Flagon. Help Riften: Fight corruption, destroy thieves guild and do something about the overall misery? Make your way through the dungeon killing constructs and Falmer as you go. The Thieves' Guild has fallen on hard times recently and has been in sharp decline. Meet the Family: Speak with some of the members of the Thieves Guildand pick up your gear. A little to your left, there will be a sewer grating into the house. As the name suggests, they specialize in lockpicking, pickpocketing, and overall thievery. The last quest is just the rest of the Guild officially recognising you as the master. Head upstairs and just take whatever you want, just do not forget to pick up the promissory note. If you need to kill the guards on the way, wait until he is a distance off before killing them. Read what the mod-maker says. This quest does not officially begin until all \"special\" city jobs are completed. Transforms Riften into a city worthy of the presence of the Thieves Guild! There are actually some quest lines which require that the player become a part of and contribute to this component of Riften's corruption, whereas there are not really … November 2017, at 20:55 clear his stories should be taken with a little plot or kill responding... Will now ask you to and go into the house signature here because it makes the post neater! 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riften thieves guild 2021