He dislikes lies and evil in all forms of it, exploding with anger when witnessing anything unjust, and will do all he can to snuff it out, throwing his life on the line without hesitation. Natsu Dragneel has 9 major forms; however, there are two that significantly boost his power. Transformation. It's too bad that you missed the development during your impulsive journey... Answer: Natsu: Why does everyone say that? When finally unleashed, it seems to be just that, but its single use is wasted when Happy pulls Natsu away, knowing that Zeref's death would end Natsu's life as well. Thankfully, the powers of our main character, Natsu, are enough to keep us occupied for days. This is a question that need to be asked. How strong is Base Natsu ? No one proves that better than Natsu Dragneel, Fairy Tail's main character. Anonymous said: It's amazing how strong Lucy had gotten, eh? The only human capable of using Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, Natsu is debatably the strongest wizard in the series by the end. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Another one-off dependent on energy absorption, but that's just Natsu's style, isn't it? That's the power of Plus Ultra. share. is a college student. We are a crew of obsessive and wide eyed, writers & reviewers who love putting out our views and opinions on the things we obsess over and can’t get enough of! All the mains from most mangas that have fighting. Page 3 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3. Wanting Natsu to get strong enough to one day kill him, Zeref decides to put him under Igneel's care, because he apparently doesn't harbor any hate or trauma after seeing his family get killed by dragons. It somehow hard to evaluate Base Natsu level since it's kind of inconsistent sometimes. report. He dislikes lies and evil in all forms of it, exploding with anger when witnessing anything unjust, and will do all he can to snuff it out, throwing his life on the line without hesitation. Planetary Flames: Exploding Flame Blade is an improved version of the previous-mentioned Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade that uses power gained from the Celestial Spirit Beast, the Eclipse version of the Celestial Spirit King. We’re the tv & anime junkies that can’t watch enough & simply can’t stop talking about it. Discussion in 'Fairy Tail' started by maupp, Dec 29, 2013. Lucy agrees and forms a team with Natsu and his cat-like partner, Happy. There is one Fire Dragon King move that deserves special recognition and a higher ranking than the rest, and that's the Demolition Fist. Canda is a great place. Thanks. How strong is Natsu? Since Fairy Tail characters are kind enough to scream the names of their attacks as they use them, it's easy to keep track of them and theory-craft what comes next. When not working or watching Anime, she can be found highlighting the mundanities of life through her poetry. [Discussion] How strong is Natsu now? First of all; Natsu has the abilitiy to use Dragon Force, but if you pile on the fact that he is also able to use Fire Dragon King mode then you will see how strong he is. Natsu was trained by Igneel, a Fire Dragon, back when he was just a kid. Or will his heart let him move on? One of the great things about Fairy Tail is how iterative each character's magic abilities are. He becomes incredibly powerful, gaining the wisdom of Igneel, and the wit of Draco. Do you know anything about it? Weve gathered more than 3 million images uploaded by our users and sorted them by the most popular ones. Not to be confused with the metal band, Dragon Force is the true ultimate ability of any Dragon Slayer. He later att… New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. With that many colons in the name, it has to be strong, right? While there are many opinions online, I’ve managed to put together one that stays true to the source material. User Lists: 0 #1 hanabi9. It's too dangerous." This transformation is the most powerful state a Dragon Slayer can attain and grants them utter destructive power, much akin to a real dragon. Leave any comments or questions below. The importance of this kind of magic is, well, that it shouldn't have even been possible. The Next Day. All content cited is derived from their respective sources. Tons of awesome natsu dragneel wallpapers to download for free. Natsu is strong, but it isn’t just because of the power of friendship. He wears high-collared red (black in the anime) and tan robes with gold trim, along with a large, flowing white toga draped around his torso. Noah now works as a writer for Valnet, Inc, covering anime articles for CBR. With this type of magic at his disposal, Natsu can consume almost any type of fire to reimburse his depleted energy. There's no denying it—the final attack used to defeat the final, strongest villain in Fairy Tail has to be the strongest move, period. & 9 Other Questions About His Dojutsu, Answered, One Piece: 10 Strongest Gear Fourth Attacks, Ranked, 10 Best Magical Girl Ultimate Forms, Ranked From Worst To Best, Naruto's 10 Strongest Jutsu In Naruto Shippuden, Ranked, Boruto: 10 Things That Annoyed Even Dedicated Fans, Blue Exorcist: Rin's 10 Strongest Abilities, Ranked, Naruto: 10 Characters Stronger Than Tailed Beasts, Ranked, Attack On Titan: 5 Kaiju Eren Could Beat (& 5 He'd Lose To), Bleach: 5 Ways The Espada Were The Best Villains (& 5 Ways The Sternritter Were Better). [Discussion] How strong is Natsu now? Even Natsu's tenth-strongest attack is unthinkably powerful compared to most characters. May be nearly as strong as Laxus at best.Unless some twists happens or Natsu becomes END I don't think he will be on the level of Gildarts/Laxus or any other power houses. As a Dragon Slayer, and a first-generation one at that, Natsu has access to many abilities. The majority of his moves are fire-based, often an augmentation of his physical attacks, but he eventually develops his Second Origin, allowing him to use Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic as well. Forum Posts. Natsu is strong, but it isn’t just because of the power of friendship. The move combined Natsu's standard Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame with the Fire God Flames he absorbed from his opponent. Can he beat Jellal or Laxus in a serious fight? Unfortunately, due to the Demon Seed and the Book of END being destroyed, we probably won’t be seeing this form again. 12.GAJEEL-hes dragon slayer too . Dragon God's Brilliant Flame was a one-off, improvised attack Natsu used to end his battle with Zancrow, one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory. What if instead of staying a carefree and happy boy, Natsu became dark and thought of all people as untrustworthy after Igneel left him alone in the forest. Created by the Dark Mage, Zeref, Natsu was able to access his demonic power after the mass of Magic in chest was enlarged by Brandish’s Command T. By doing so, his features became more fiendish, and his power immensely increased; After all, he was made to kill an immortal himself. But as usual, Natsu found a way, and as a result, created a unique blend of two of the strongest known magic variants in Fairy Tail. Natsu Dragneel’s true form is Etherious Natsu Dragneel, short for END. We are building a home for nerds, geeks and anyone sitting at home with super powers that is likely to rule the world with the lot of us. >gajeel being two tiers ahead of gray, and erza :hestonpls all gajeel did was beat a fodder demon, and was struggling against one. Epic Dope is the new home of streaming news, views and reviews. Many fans are speculating that Natsu will completely transform into a dragon this time around. In some ways, Natsu's final attack could be considered an affirmation of the bonds he made throughout the series and the trust he earned as a steadfast friend and fearsome Dragon Slayer. Using the borrowed power, plus Dragon Force and his usual brand of punching stuff, Natsu destroys the "invincible" dragon's spirit form. How strong is Natsu Dragneel . But one thing I noticed is that Base Natsu is underestimated, mostly because of gag feats and his non serious demeanor in fights sometimes. Ignia is a proud dragon, and very confident in his abilities. Rogue would put up some resistance against Natsu, but he would inevitably lose. No biggie. This entry was posted in Chemistry and tagged anime, anime chemistry, Anime Science, eating fire, fairy tail, Flame color, flame temperature, flame temperature and color, flame test, Natsu, Natsu Dragneel, Natsu vs. Alvarez. The Fire Dragon king Mode provides him extremely destructive abilities by coating him in incredible flames. Near the end of the series, Natsu becomes the first Dragon Slayer to achieve Dragon Force without the consumption of additional magical energy. Top Weekly Stories So That You Are Up-To-Date. As it turns out, Natsu has the curse of the Power Creep, and it seems he is finally more powerful than Gildarts. Cool collections of natsu and lucy wallpaper for … A premium destination for everything Anime, Netflix, Disney + or Hotstar , Amazon Prime Video & Apple TV + . 14.MIRA-also s-class. Natsu was raised by two dragons: The White Fire Dragon King Igneel, and Draco, Igneel's brother. Similar to its weaker version, the attack consists of throwing spirals of fire with the addition of some sparkles and explosions on impact. Natsu as E.N.D. He especially hates the fellow guild members around his own age. Natsu would win because though he eats fire to gain strength, in the episode where him and jellal fight he eats the ether bank and gets insanely strong. Lol at this user. your cred is gone when you put base gajeel on gray/erza tier, and df gajeel on df natsu level. While the slayers can enter this form by consuming different substances, such as Natsu eating etherion, flames of rebuke, etc., only a few attain it naturally. Lets see what Gray has when he isnt holding back, and don't forget, he has a trump card as well. Now I've been looking at Natsu and he just does not improve. If you believe we have used your copyrighted content without permission, send us an email at [email protected] and we will remove it immediately. With the complete dragon transformation crossed out, Natsu will more likely find a better way to control Ignia’s flames, and along with Aldoron, he’ll eventually be able to strengthen his Dragon Force and gain a massive power boost. form finally came to play, and with the powers of other slayers, he managed to defeat Acnologia. During the final confrontation with him, Wendy enchanted Natsu with the power of all seven Dragon Slayers and thus gave him the ability to defeat the final boss once and for all. By doing this, Natsu will also take on an entirely new form that may prove capable of standing a chance against the Fire Dragon God. Honed by nearly a year of training following Igneel's death, this evolution of Dragon Slayer magic is crazy strong, even for Natsu. If the laws of physics were applied anyway. Fairy Tail Anime finally reached its end with epic battles taking place between the Fairy Tail Guild members, Zeref and Acnologia. By assuming this state and taking on a draconic form, Natsu was able to overpower godly opponents such as Mard Geer and Zeref. All of these feats already make Natsu’s E.N.D. Luckily, Erza stopped the battle, and we probably won't be seeing any E.N.D. This follows Natsu, still a Fire Dragon Slayer, but darker and more mature. [Discussion] Discussion. Natsu uses this attack several times, notably in his battles with Zero and (more importantly) Mard Gear. How strong was EoS Natsu? I … First, he mainly uses death magic. He doesn't look that fire type of a dragon to me but atlas looks like a good fire dragon but how come he is weaker than Igneel? Speaking of strategies, erza has shown to use them. It seems crazy to put this move so far down the list, but in reality, that's a testament to the strength of the remaining entries. 12. Do small things with great love - Happy Sharing :), on Natsu Dragneel’s Strongest Form in Fairy Tail. best . He has acquired many strong forms throughout the series, due to which it is difficult to figure out the one that reigns supreme. This move is historically notable because it previously pushed Gildarts back and beat out Sting and Rogue's Unison Raid. Currently working towards obtaining a degree in English literature. This website uses cookies to better your experience. Epic Dope is the new home of streaming news, views and reviews. ?” A premium destination for everything Anime, Netflix, Disney + or Hotstar, Apple TV + & Amazon Prime Video. 11.MYSTOGAN-he was s-class. You must be logged in to post a comment. Even with all this, will his past continue to overshadow his future? You Have Scrolled This Far, Might As Well Sign Up For Anime News In Your Inbox. He distrust even Master Makarov and Gildarts. Natsu is one of the strongest wizards in the anime Fairy Tail. Just imagine him dying on the ground as goku creates a spirit bomb and throws it at him. There isn't any real official name for it, but during the final confrontation with Acnologia, Wendy enchants Natsu with the power of all seven Dragon Slayers. Oct 2, 2013 #2 Taorero MH Senpai 英雄メンバー / Eiyuu Menbaa / Hero Member. 6.NATSU-FIRE DRAGON ROAR!! RELATED: 10 Strongest Fairy Tail Characters. Heroes like him will be as strong as they need to be to claim victory. Mar 10, 2015 - “Just how strong have you gotten in this past year, Natsu! Ok so I've been watching Fairy Tail and am wondering why Natsu is so weak. He uses Fire Dragon Slayer magic, and these are his strongest moves. Zeref is thought to be the strongest dark wizard alive. Review: Haha #1 Offers a Dark Set of Tales Starring Clowns, Naruto: 5 Shinobi Danzo Could Defeat (& 5 He'd Lose To), Which Sharingan Does Itachi Have? Happy, the. 8.LAXUS-grandson of makarov and a dragon slayer. We have already covered two transformations when just talking about the strongest, but there are still many more that can give any enemy a run for their money. Despite being hundreds of years old, Zeref has the appearance of a young man. When facing Dimaria, he moved freely inside a time-distorted world, thus making him capable of surpassing even the gods. Natsu Dragneel is a Fire Dragon Slayer and a loyal member of Fairy Tai. Oct 10, 2013 #6 sameel Although the attack doesn't finish him off, the fact that Crimson Lotus: Phoenix Blade deals such a decisive blow to Tartaros' leader earns it a high spot on the list. 10.ERZA-100 vs 1 she won. The majority of his moves are fire-based, often an augmentation of his physical attacks, but he eventually develops his Second Origin, allowing him to use Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic as well. In the Fairy Tail 100 Year Quest, his foster brother, Ignia, the Fire Dragon God, wants to fight Natsu to death. Discussion in 'Fairy Tail' started by maupp, Dec 29, 2013. The only human capable of using Fire Dragon Slayer Magic, Natsu is debatably the strongest wizard in the series by the end. Several other Dragon Slayers, including Sting, Rogue, and Wendy manage to pull off this state as well. He doesn't look that fire type of a dragon to me but atlas looks like a good fire dragon but how come he is weaker than Igneel? Natsu is extremely benevolent, driven by his own strong sense of justice and fair play, and firmly stands for truth and freedom, but he is never the one to rest in the face of injustice or oppression. Natsu vs the Alverez army-Natsu Dragneel is ridiculously strong and it’s amazing he hasn’t destroyed more stuff. Things seemed pretty desperate for the Fiore forces when an Alvarez wizard summoned Ikusa-Tsunagi, one of the Eighteen Battle Gods. As such, he was willing to light an entire city ablaze in order to give Natsu a temporary power boost and thereby a chance to defeat Mercuphobiaduring their battle. Joined Mar 6, 2013 Messages 662 Reaction score 228 Gender Male Country. However, this seems unlikely as Mashima is more inclined towards giving Natsu temporary power-ups in his base form, rather than something permanent. Overview Gallery Synopsis Relationships Natsuo to Enji Todoroki in "The Todoroki Family" Natsuo Todoroki (轟 (とどろき) 夏 (なつ) 雄 (お) , Todoroki Natsuo?) He also wears a pendant, where he keeps a childhood picture of Natsu and himself. Natsu’s True Form – E.N.D. It was probably a shock for fans when the fabled demon E.N.D., destined to defeat his master, Zeref, turned out to be none other than Natsu. level 1. Not improve talking about it, the Half-Dragon transformation isn ’ t destroyed more.. Watching the Clone Wars ( again ) friendship will also come into play here tons of awesome Dragneel... Put up some resistance against Natsu, until one of them turns ash... Said: it 's kind of inconsistent sometimes Dragneel that also competes for the position of 1! The arsenal of a humanoid Dragon that, Natsu went toe-to-toe with Gray for confronting him about his identity stalling. His abilities explosions on impact is stronger now between he ( Natsu ) and Laxus fans... 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